bases, highlights, washes...?


Well-known member
first of all, sorry if this is in the wrong place (again!) i didnt really know where it would fit in...

i was on another topic here...where the thread was talking about bases and highlight eyeshadows that everyone uses --> shroom, vanilla, nylon, yada yada...

they would say something like "shroom as a base, vanilla to highlight"

my question is...what is the difference?? well, i know that highlight is the color on the brow bone/under the arch...but whats a base?

so when u put on like..a shadestick or a paint...u put a color all over the eye (kinda like a wash)...then do the usual highlight, crease, lid deal??

:confused: TIA!!


Well-known member
Base: putting the color on the entire lid/eye area; usually a neutral or a paint/shadestick and putting the other highlight, crease, lid and outer v over it
Wash: putting the color from lid to brow, with that as a feature color and usually no color above (built up from it)