Beach Bunny Pig?


Well-known member
I was bored and started looking for piggies on Ebay. Anywoo, someone mentioned a pigment called "Beach Bunny" as an extremely rare and hard to find although I've never heard of it. Of course that doesn't mean it doesn't exist but does anyone have a picture of this so called piggie? Or if they know what collection it came out with? Just curious ya kno?!?!

Thank you~


Well-known member
I'm not sure if this is correct or not, but I think Beach Bunny was one of the Sheer color Extracts from the Sandy B. Collection a few summers ago. They were kind of a creamy color wash for eyes and cheeks. You might check the color stories to have a look at that collection.
***I was wrong, it's not there****


Well-known member
I checked ebay for this, and I think it's just a name the seller gave it to make it sound good. If you read further down in the item description, it actually says the colour is Bronze. I guess she figured beach bunny sounded better. Hope that helps.