Beach makeup?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACaddict08
I've had good luck with MAC's blacktrack fluidline.

I'm gonna try Chromaline as this stuff is budge-proof like Shu Umuera's Painting Liner.


Well-known member
I tried MAC fluidline in blacktrack with Ben Nye eye seal on top and wore it to a waterpark- it stayed on all day!! Even my boyfriend was surprised. I wore a couple of supposedly "waterproof" products that day to test them out and it was the only thing that stayed on- the rest became gross. The other things I tried was the mufe face and body waterproof type foundation or whatever it is ...the gel - like foundation...can't remember the name but It didn't hold up.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by antigone21
I know this is crazy, but I just CAN'T leave my house without some concealer or foundation.

That's not crazy at all! I haven't left my house without makeup in YEARS. Not since the morning of my wedding, on the way to the salon...almost six years ago!

I'm really not a beach person, but its either tan at the beach, or fake bake - which I'm totally opposed to for myself - so I'll go sweat it out for an hour or two. Doesn't take long for me to get some color
Thank God for my asian genes! lol