Benefit help?


OK, so I'm so freaking excited!!!! I've been a make-up artist for a year and my main ambition is to be on the MAC pro team, unfortunately I have hardly any retail experience so trying to get a counter job has been horrible, plus the recession hasn't helped!!

So after constantly sneding out CVs, emailing HR dpts of different dpt stores, I finally have a phone interview with Benefit!!! Now, I don't know what to do, lol, anyone workign for Benefit already that can give me some advice??

Its a great counter and great products and although I'm a MAC fan through and through, its such an awesome awesome company to get my first start in!!

Please any advice is gonna be SO SO SO much appreciated!



Well-known member
Hi there! I now work for mac and have been there for about a year and a bit. Before working for mac I worked for Benefit for nine months. Now I'm certain that working for Benefit helped me get a job at mac as previous i had no 'retail cosmetic' experience.

I would warn you however, Benefit is VERY different to mac. It's not really what you would call a 'colour' brand. There is a strict system of how they sell products which is very very pushy. You will also be required to traffic stop. This is how they do buisness. You have to spend a whole day walking up to people and saying "come and sit down let me show you some products". Your sales will be almost 85% based on this approach and its VERY hard core!! I did it for nine months and although I enjoyed the interaction with customers and all the lovely products, I got fed up of having to only show 'certain products' to customers before i could show them the rest.

I think it definitly helped me get a job with mac. Previous to Benefit I had experience in make up freelance and it is my passion so that was a huge help in my mac interview, but as far as prooving you can sell makeup benefit was great.

In your phone interview they will be looking for someone who is going to think outside the box. They'll want to hear that you are confident to approach strangers and very self motivated. They'll also require you to 'dress up'. Personally I found this very tacky and degrading. I was required to wear fishnet leggins, a feather bowa, a pink wig and a t shirt which across the boobs said something like "have you tried the new throoobbb" ... it's VERY tacky. And VERY gimmicky. Sometimes it was fun, but sometimes I just longingly looked over to the mac counter where there way of expression is alot more what i was into. Sophisticated and sexy and never tacky.

Good lucky with your interview. If you get the job I'm sure as you are driven you will succeed in getting to mac! Just keep in mind benefit is not so much about the make up as an art as it is about quick fixes. I found it very difficult as I was much more interested in the actual application/theatrics of makeup. If you have any questions please feel free to ask me and I'll be as much help as i can!



Thank you sooooooooo much!! Your awesome

I called and the 1st question was 'How would I sell products if I worked for Benefit?' I said, I would approach different customers in the store and try and get them over to the counter so I could show them how to apply the product in the hopes they would buy it. She offered me an audition straight away! I'm going on Thursday and just have to sell the ass out of the products and hopefully they'll take me on!! Thank you so so so much for your reply, I wouldn't have thought to say that if you hadn't told me!



Well-known member
good luck in your interview this week!

here are a few selling tips for you which may come in handy!

-always use open ended questions - never say 'do you like it?' say 'how do you feel about this?' that way they can't just say no and wander off!

- always try to add other items with the sale - for eg. 'this lip liner matches this lipstick perfectly' and so on

- always demo the product! ask if you can try it on there hand or face - if they see what it is like on them then they are more likely to buy it!

- always make a little small talk before you chat about products - you could apporach them in store and see they have a bag from faith shoes - ask them what shoes they bought to get there attention and get them into conversation!

if you need any other tips you could always pm me. i don't actually work in the make up industry but i'm store manager for the sony centre which is a sales enviroment. and the same rules apply in all sales jobs no matter what the product
just tweek things accordingly

have fun and good luck!


Thank you both loads and loads

I now have an audition for Benefit tomorrow and an interview in the afternoon with another company called Faces. Not nervous at all

Wish me luck! I'll keep you updated!
