Best B&BW lotion to match...


Active member
So I picked up some of Victoria's Secret Very Sexy 'Now' silkening fragrance mist from their Beauty of Brazil line over this summer. I absolutely love it; it has that summer-eqsue, coconut smell, and says it comes with Acai Berry and Murumuru Extract.

Now, VS never made a lotion to match, so I'm trying to find a lotion to layer with the mist that would match. I checked out Bath & Body Works, but their stores only carry two lines of Coconut-based lotions, neither of which smell anything like this fragrance. They have a ton of different ones online, however, and I'm wondering if anyone is familiar with any of these and how they compare with VS's Very Sexy 'Now'?

Coconut Lime Verbena
Coco Cabana
Creamy Coconut
Exotic Coconut

I'm almost positive the Coconut Lime Verbena is the one I tried in the store and smells nothing like the fragrance. Either way, I've thought of buying all four online, testing them all out, and returning the three that don't work, but I figured I'd try to see if any of you guys might know before I go all out and buy all four!

Any help would be majorly appreciated!


Well-known member
i also am pretty sure that you tried coconut lime in stores as that one is still sold everywhere

i was really not a fan of coco cabana though it might work for you.. it does have a bit of fruit to it (it really overwhelemed the coconut i think, which is why i did not like it).