best brush belt??


Well-known member
whats the best brush belt you guys would recommend? and how much is the mac one if you buy it from the pro store.?


Well-known member
The MAC one is $35. It's alright but I don't <3 the MAC label all over it (it's in 2 places, but still)...Alcone has one that is exactly like the MAC one but without the branding.

MUD has one, but I don't like it at all. It's canvas so it doesn't seem to be as sturdy (but I think it's washable, so that my be a plus)

The UD one is pretty, but I've never actually seen it in person, but I may check it out cause the belt is bigger so us fat chicks can wear it on our hips.


Well-known member
I have a M A C one and the Japonesque one. I use the M A C one more because it has so many brush slots and the pockets are very deep. I also took the M A C logo button off. The Japonesque one is extremely functional with all the sections and loops.

Cosplay Supplies



You can get this one with 6 brushes or empty.


Well-known member
I have a few, and here's what's important to me:

  • a flap to cover the tops of brushes when I'm working on set/backstage to keep makeup from getting on costumes/clothing
  • adjustable buckle tightness
  • quick release
  • easily cleaned
  • enough small and large loops, and enough space between large loops
  • pockets for small things
  • loops for attaching other objects

That said, these are nice:
the boaz-stein apron
camera ready cosmetics brush belt (no flap, but ok)
crown has a nice one with a flap, compact and very usable
Gorgeous cosmetics' brush belt is AMAZINGLY wonderful, japonesque has one that is similar
tas merah has a good one too


Well-known member
One of our freelancers has a wrist band. It holds about half of what my brush belt does, but it's super nifty & convenient for small jobs.

I think she got it at the LIBS Midtown campus.


Well-known member
I have a MAC brush belt and it's ok, but it needs a flap over the brushes. I made one with press studs and it works just fine. I wear that one one hip and on the other side I have a location belt that I made from a builders toolbelt. it has plenty of big holsters (hairspray, mister bottles, etc) and small hanging loops, and press studs so I can attach my location bags and reference polaroids.


Well-known member
I have a Set wear belt that I use, I agree witht he flap. I ruined two shirts before i put one on it. I also buy chalk bags (at outdoor stores) and attach them to the belt with carabiners to hold large items, use as trash bags, etc


Well-known member
Originally Posted by martygreene
Gorgeous cosmetics' brush belt is AMAZINGLY wonderful

Thats the one I use and I love it