Best NARS blushes for dark skin???


Active member
I just bought Taj Mahal, but have not worn it yet. Could anybody give me an idea of what type of eyeshadows and lip colors would go with it? Thanks


Well-known member
Originally Posted by KeshieShimmer
I'm the pround owner of Exibit A, I wanted Taj Mahal but Sephora didn't carry it, and Nordstroms was out of it.

Isn't it gorgeous? I actually love it more than Taj Mahal now.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by awhookie7
I just bought Taj Mahal, but have not worn it yet. Could anybody give me an idea of what type of eyeshadows and lip colors would go with it? Thanks

It really goes with anything, esp. bronzes, corals, reds, anything really. I don't worry too much about matching or cordinating my blush with my eyes and lips, I just look for balance. So if you are doing something bold with the lips and eyes, I would leave Taj alone for that day. Hope that helped.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by smith130
taj mahal and the new milani blush in sunset shores is an exact match that is really the perfect dupe

Hey, thank you for the suggestion! CVS was having a buy one Milani get one free sale and I picked Sunset Shores up, it's really a beautiful glowy color! I was kinda iffy about it because it's, well, orange, but the color is very flattering on my NC45 skin.
I don't know how it compares to Taj Mahal, but I don't like reaaaaally strong cheeks anyway so the Milani does fine.

Out of all the NARS blushes, the ones I want the most are Lovejoy and Sertao. I remember really liking Lovejoy when I tried it on at a store, but have never tried Sertao and would love to see it on someone else.

ETA: well, a search did wonders! now I want Sertao even more, wah.


Well-known member
Exhibit A, Crazed, Lovejoy, Plaisir (D/C good luck finding it), Cactus Flower (cream), Malibu (multiple), Taj Mahal, Taos, Gilda, Gina, Sin and Silvana

All gorgeous IMO


Well-known member
You know what? I get a suprisingly nice glow from Torrid too! Not a lot of color but it adds a certain umph! It sat in my case for a year and I hardly used it. Well not anymore


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SumtingSweet
You know what? I get a suprisingly nice glow from Torrid too! Not a lot of color but it adds a certain umph! It sat in my case for a year and I hardly used it. Well not anymore

You're NW45 right? **adds Torrid to wishlist


Well-known member
I own:

Their Laguna Bronzer is also really good. Love NARS, although more pricey than MAC, amazing colours & amazing colour payoff!!


Well-known member
I'm surprised there's no love for "Outlaw"! It's the only one I have, but it is beautiful. I will be looking into all the ones you guys love too.


Well-known member
I just got Taj Mahal and it's GORGEOUS. I also have Sin, Lovejoy, Orgasm, and Gina and all are very pretty on me. (I'm NC40). I just bought Crazed from a fellow Specktra-ette but haven't received it yet. Torrid and Taos are next on my list :)


Well-known member
Crazed would look stunning on dark skin, I have it and am super fair, it is almost too pigmented for me, I have to be sooo careful applying it. It's an intense raspberry shade, I think it would look so beautiful on darker skin and would def show up well.


Well-known member
I am an NC45ish and find that Crazed and Mounia are both a bit dark for me.
Any tips on using them before I swap them away?


Well-known member
I have Crazed and Taj Mahal. I'm an NC45-50. Taj Mahal is gooooorgeous, as is Crazed.

I need to get some more ..why is Nars so damn expensive? *rolls eyes*