best pallet


Well-known member
Book of Shadows! It's very versetile and there are colours which would suit every skintone. Plus the packaging is pretty haha. The deluxe palette eyeshadows fade on my skin after a few hours - vibrancy is lost, even with UDPP or a cream base for some reason.


Well-known member
I have four of them and they are all amazing!

I'd say Book of Shadows since it has so many awesome colors but I love Deluxe as well


Well-known member
Another vote for the Book of Shadows!! 8 of the 16 colors are limited, so you can't get them any other way. But I love them all though!


Well-known member
i have all the deluxe shadows not in the pallete though.... some colors like adore and heat dont come in the pallete the only con is each individual deluxe shadow is 18 buckss well worth it though.... i only have one coin showdown in el dorado and after that i never touched anything other than the deluxe ones! i found them to be too chunkyy... heres a pick so you can see wat they look like dont mind the random glitter liner and udpp i depotted SO I WOULD DEF SAY THE DELUX