better pictures?

I really want to post some FOTD's but it seems every time I try and take close ups of my eyes, the pictures are just too blurry. What do you girls recommend that I do? I've tried different lighting, no flash, doing the self timer and nothing works. It's a really good digital camera so I don't know what the deal is. Maybe I'm stupid.


Well-known member
I have this problem too...I just got a brand new Kodak digital camera and it is 6 megapixels and has all kinds of different settings and lighting options, but my pictures don't come out great. I was told that if you hold it above you a little it helps to get your eye makeup better but then I find that my lips look tiny and my face looks weirdly shaped. No blur, but not much definition. It sucks!



Well-known member
put your setting on MACRO! thats what someone else told me when i had major problems!