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Blackground Tutorial


Well-known member
I'm a HUGE fan of Garbage, so when I saw this video I knew I had to try the make-up style. The picture I'm working from is about 2:35 into the video.


Here's what I used (all MAC unless noted)

Blackground Paint Pot
Carbon e/s
Silver Ring e/s
Luna ccb
Feline p/k

Smashbox Photo Finish Primer
Mineralize Foundation NC15
Pearl Blossom b/p
Studio Concealer NC15
Natural MSF Light
(Dermablend Creme in Light Ivory was used on my neck and jawline, then set with Studiofix Foundation NC15... not shown in tutorial)

Smashbox Palm Beach lip liner
Cosmo l/s

(and Chanel Black Satin is on my nails, btw)

Image I'll be working from:

Start out with a primed face:

Use about two pumps to have enough foundation to dot face:

Blend using a "skunk brush" (I find they're the best for Mineralize foundation):

Use a concealer brush to pick up concealer and dot onto any skin irregularities:

Pick the "skunk brush" up again, don't add foundation, and blend the concealer:

Use a kabuki brush to lightly pat on some Light MSF Natural:

(v I look stupid >.< v)

Pick up some Light MSF using a fluffy e/s brush and pat this around the under eye area:

Using a synthetic, flat e/s brush (synthetic b/c it helps the paint spread best), slick Blackground onto the brush and apply to the lids of the eyes:

Now, wing out the eyeliner so it's approximately parallel (in length) to eyebrows:

Use brush to make sure the wings are even:

Pick up some Carbon e/s with a pencil/smudge brush to lightly go over the Blackground, making sure to blend into lashline and define wings:

Use another pencil brush to pick up Silver Ring e/s and use to highlight inner corners of eyes, smudging into the blacker e/s:

Use Feline p/k to line upper lashline (heavier in center, but do go out to the wings with a lighter touch) and water line:

Use Blackground to smudge up the bottom, and also the top a little:

Use ring finger (b/c it has the lightest touch) to pat on Luna ccb; apply to browbone area, and up to eyebrowns. Using the edge of your finger, try to have it edge with the blacker e/s:

Use a blush brush to dust on Pearl Blossom b/p along the cheekbones:

Apply lipliner (Palm Beach) and lipstick (Cosmo):

Voila!!! I used Fix+ in the last two pics because it gave the cool "wet" effect that Shirley Manson has in the video. I hope this was useful <3



Well-known member
Shirley is soo beautiful...You did a good job - it suits your eyes and brings out their colour. I'd make the liner slightly blacker tho


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hilly
Is that Shirley Manson in the pic?

Yep. The pic is from the video "Why do you love me?".


Well-known member
Very nice. I would've added something with a bit more of a shine to the inner corners of the eyes though, perhaps Knight Divine.

OT: Your avatar, is that Phoenix's new costume or something? Man, I've been out of the comics loop...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by j_absinthe
OT: Your avatar, is that Phoenix's new costume or something? Man, I've been out of the comics loop...

It's her costume from Age of Apocalypse. Otherwise, Dark Phoenix has a black/red costume, regular Phoenix has a green/gold costume, and the re-born Phoenix has a white/gold costume.