Bling strands!


Well-known member
i saw them in a magazine and thought they were cute.. i feel like buying them for my younger cousin


Well-known member
these lok cute
nice for festive parties but equally i think it'd take a long time putting them in!


Well-known member
i saw these at the IBS hair show last year. tons of different companies were selling them. they sound cool in glittery extensions. but in person, on an adult, they look stupid. adult women all over the show were wearing them and were totally mid western hair dressers in their late 30s early 40s trying to look hip and edgy like the younger crowd, but they didnt. they seem perfect for girls in a cheerleading group, or young girls going to a concert, or for young girls parties, maybe even a school dance....but anyone over the age of like...13 really would look tacky/trying to look younger then their age/weird. just my opinion.....well and the opinion of everyone else i talked to about it at the show. you might as well buy christmas tree tinsel and tie it in a knot on your kids hair. same thing.