blonde hair -- could it work for me?


meeee.png - Image - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting thats me. sorry the picture is crappy. i had to downsize it in Paint, which made it all fuzzy. The hair color I have there is a couple shades darker than my natural color. and i apologize for how bad i look there. i had just washed off all my makeup then got super bored and decided to take some pics to get opinions on hair color, so threw on some eyeliner quick.

l_303ddc0c3b32309c6c5fcb671bd43501.jpg - Image - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting that is like what i want, minus the pink and purple.

could it work or would it be a total disaster?

I don't necessarily want it to look natural. Thats not a big deal to me. I just want to make sure its not going to look bad.


Well-known member
you never know until you take a risk ...


Well-known member
Myaybe a very dark ahs blonde or light brown would look more natural with your skin and eye coloring. Or highlights.


Well-known member's hard to say. But I did platinum blonde for a while and I loved it-it was so much fun! lol but if you do it make sure you get it done proffesionaly since it is such a big difference in color and blonde is a tough color to do by yourself

Girl about town

Well-known member
i reckon you would look great with that look, you probably aren't looking for a natural look anyway if you want more of a rock look. I have platinum blonde hair and i warn you its very high maintainance unless you don't mind having roots. I also use a silver hair shampoo every week to keep mine platinum and not yellow.


Well-known member
i think i would do it a tad bit darker than in the photo, like more of a champagne blonde and not so much white platinum, but like xshear said, you will never know till you try it!