Blush & Bronzer Virgin


Active member
Any recs for a safe-for-everyday blush and/or bronzer for NC20? (fyi, asian w/ fairly strong yellow tones).

+ Any tips, recs for brushes, etc?



Well-known member
I'm NC20 too. If you're into creme blushes, you can try Ladyblush or Posey (but you'll have to apply a very small amount and blend well! it's gives a lovely natural pinky glow when you apply it carefully. A bit too much and you'll end up looking like a clown).
188 is a great brush for creme blushes.


Well-known member
i second ladyblush! as far as bronzer goes, i've found that too faced chocolate soliel works best for me...i'm also about NC20.
most other bronzers end up looking rather muddy on me. if you apply chocolate soliel to your temples and cheek hollows with a fan brush, it gives a very nice finish!