broken porcelain pink


Well-known member
a chunk broke off and i dont know where to store it. i would like this to used as a sample for anybody that would like to try this MSF, but i dont know where to store it - let alone how i would send it. please help me out. TIA


Well-known member
put it in one of the 5 gram jars that mineral makeup samples come in (or the ones used as travel jars for pigments). you can easily mail one of those jars in a padded envelope.

sucks your msf broke...but it's nice of you to use it as an opportunity to share the msf wealth!

i also wanted to add: for right now put it in a plastic baggie. if there are any crumbles that come off when you're ready to transfer it to a jar, just transfer the larger chunk and then close the baggie and cut off one of the bottom corners, that will act like a funnel to get the rest of the powder into your jar.