Brush Clutch, or Brush Belt?


Well-known member
Which should I get? I have about 15 brushes right now, and I add to them all the time. I will be doing wedding makeup and makeup on a movie set all thru june....


Well-known member
hmm.. i have the brush clutch and i love it BUT for u, since will more likely be moving around a lot doing touch ups etc., i think the belt would work better since u can just wrap it around your waist and GO!!


Well-known member
ITA to Juneplum (agian *g* she's so right!)
Its a lot easier to have all your brushes on your waist and not under your arm while you have to fix somebodys makeup during a break....


Well-known member
I *love* my brush clutch, it's really adorable. I could almost use it as a regular clutch. But I think for you the belt would be more convient. You can keep them handy on your waist or lay it out on a counter.


Well-known member
I have both, and I use the clutch for transportation, and the belt during appointments. I also recommend having a cup avaiable to store brushes/pencils during appts. (Sephora has a nice one) on the table, for easy access too.