brush questions


Well-known member
I'm looking at getting brushes from as they were recommended by a pro acquantaince of mine for being cheap and good. I really can't afford to pay $20+ a brush for actual MAC brushes.

Anyway, so my questions:

1) So is badger really *that much* better than sable or would I really not notice the difference since I am far from a pro.

2) Does anyone know of a place that sells brush bags that aren't vinyl?


Well-known member
So I may not be able to answer your questions but just some advice ... for eye brushes remember that the brush can make your make-up. Even someone with the best technique can have a hard time with a crappy brush. I have never used these brushes so idk how good the quality is but if you can spring for some MAC brushes then you should. You don't need a ton just a few, or even get a holiday brush set.

For the eyes I could survive with just using a 239/252 and a 217 and if you wear fluideline then a 266/208 to apply. I've bought the cheap brushes online before ... it was like 20+ brushes for $20 and now that I've bought the MAC brushes I can soooo tell the difference.


Well-known member
Crown brushes are amazing. I know of MANY makeup artists that use them because of their quality.


Well-known member
I know they are good and there is a thread on them:

I just don't know whether I would be ok with sable or if I should spring for the badger. i have some badger brushes and love them. It's just I was thinking about maybe set 600 if I can figure out what's in it so I can figure out what extras I need. I mostly just need eye brushes because I use a sponge for my studiofix and I don't wear blush.

Oh yeah wool is bad, I am SO allergic to it! I was kind of hoping for a leather bag or something. Hell, I might just end up making one out of some brocade I have lying around.
if you can wait till July Nordstroms will have the brush sets again. They are usually such a great deal saving you over $75.