Can anyone recommend any good books to check out?


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I'm going to be starting nursing school next month and I'd like to fill what's left of my time with some good reading! I'm a fan of fantasy, horror, action, adventure, and of course some good old romance

Here's some of the books I've read lately to give you an idea for rec's:

Twilight Saga
The Host (By far much better than Twilight, IMO)
Mortal Instruments Saga (Awesome series as well!!! Can't wait for City of Glass!!)
The Vampire Diaries
The Watchmen
Harry Potter Books
House Of Night Series
City Of Ember
Vampire Academy

Hmmm... I've noticed a vampire trend in my reading.. HAHA
But of course I'm open to all sorts, so long as its a good story! I read a lot of YA novels for some reason... even though I'm 26. Its just fun to read! But again I'm definitely not limited to that genre... I think the last adult books I read was The Da Vinci Code, I Am Legend, & Angels and Demons. So any adult recs would be awesome too!

TIA for the suggestions!!! =)


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I don't know if you would like these but i love Tales of the Otori by Lian Hearn - it's a series of fantasy novels set in medieval Japan; here's an extract from wikipedia (lol): "The books follow a young warrior named Takeo in his struggles to avenge an adoptive father, escape the legacy of his biological father, and pursue the love of his life in the midst of an enormous power struggle involving dozens of clan lords and thousands of warriors"
They're really addictive lol oh but i'm not sure if you'd be able to get them where you live =\


Well-known member
Originally Posted by k.a.t
I don't know if you would like these but i love Tales of the Otori by Lian Hearn - it's a series of fantasy novels set in medieval Japan; here's an extract from wikipedia (lol): "The books follow a young warrior named Takeo in his struggles to avenge an adoptive father, escape the legacy of his biological father, and pursue the love of his life in the midst of an enormous power struggle involving dozens of clan lords and thousands of warriors"
They're really addictive lol oh but i'm not sure if you'd be able to get them where you live =\

Ooohh thanks for the rec!! I looked it up and its in stock at my bookstore! It sounds really interesting!! I'm going to add that title to my list!! Thanks again!


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For Fantasy, George R R Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series is my favourite. It's quite adult, and not particularly light hearted (overall, that is, there are a lot of funny moments), so if you're after an easy read it's probably not what you're looking for. I still find myself devouring it on my fourth re-read of the series so far, however. He's written book 4/7 so far, with number 5 due out sometime 'soon'. Even though it's not finished, it's still an amazing read. But, yeah, like I said, very adult. Magic and such takes the backburner to political intrigue, court posturing and the war for the throne. Ooooh, it's so good :p

In the same vein but not quite so dark is Tad Williams' Memory, Sorrow and Thorn series. This one is actually finished, lots of great characters, great story... Not as enthralling as ASoIaF but still really good. If you don't mind weird Sci-Fi kind of stuff, his series Otherland is worth a read, too.

For light fantasy, I'd go with Terry Brooks, the stuff he has set in our current time (Word and Void series, two books from Genesis of Shannara series) so far is definitely the best, I think. Most of his other books are pretty hit and miss. I did like Wishsong of Shannara, though.

Yep. That's all I have to add, really :p


Well-known member
In keeping with your vampire theme, you could check out "The Historian" by Elizabeth Kostova... more about Vlad the Impaler, but a fun read none-the-less.

PS I saw this at my local Costco in hardcover for about $5. I'd purchased it as a large paperback months ago, so I think Costco is trying to clear out some backstock.


Well-known member
Here are some of my favourite books to read... noticed you read Watchmen as well... so will also recommend graphic novels.

Time Traveler's Wife
The Vampire Lestate by Anne Rice
The Tale of the Body Theif by Anne Rice
Sandman by Neil Gaiman
Preacher by Garth Ennis
Valley of the Dolls
Haruki Murakami - all of them... his writing is beautiful... its like reading a story in poetry
Absolute Scandal


A great fantasty book I fell in love with was definitely;

Sabriel (The Abhorsen Trilogy) by Gath Nix

It's a good read with lots of magic and fantasty! I think you will enjoy this one!

And for humour and romance, I would recommand

Shophaholic Series by Sophia Kineslla and her other series

People who really like her writing, loves the series! And other who hate it, can't stand the character!

But great books to check it out at your nursing school!=)


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Haunted by Chuck Palahniuk. One chapter made me feel nauseous, it was so descriptive and disgusting. It's been reported that people have fainted during readings of that chapter.


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Anne Rice Mayfair Chronicles is a great series. THe witching hour, Lasher, Taltos are the 3 books. Vampires and witches yay =P


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i recommend this book to everyone i know
"hey Nostradamus!" by douglas coupland. He's my favorite author and this is by far my favorite book. This is what it's about (without giving too much away)
In the 80's theres a school shooting British Columbia. The first fourth of the book focuses on Cheryl, the last girl to be killed in the shooting. She's narrating this section. The Second fourth focuses on Jason, Cheryl's boyfriend at the time. This is later on in his life, i think hes in his mid 30s. The third fourth focuses on Heather, Jasons girlfriend. And the Last on Reg, Jason's father.
This book is touching, hilarious and so sad. I was literally bawling my eyes out while reading this. I cannot recommend this highly enough. It's a must read!!

Another great book is "Lullaby" By Chuck Palahniuk (author of Fight Club). This is the description on Amazon
Assigned to write a series of feature articles investigating SIDS, troubled newspaper reporter Carl Streator begins to notice a pattern among the cases he encounters: each child was read the same poem prior to his or her death. His research and a tip from a necrophilic paramedic lead him to Helen Hoover Boyle, a real estate agent. Boyle and Streator have both lost children to "crib death," and she confirms Streator's suspicions: the poem is an ancient lullaby or "culling song" that is lethal if spoken--or even thought--in a victim's direction.

Anyway, i loved both. Lullaby is pretty screwed up (like all chuck's books) but it's a great read. you won't be able to put it down!


Well-known member
Ok, it's not a fantasy book at all, but I love this book - My Name Is Asher Lev by Chaim Potok. I had to read it for one of my college english courses, and I just fell in love with it. I re-read it once or twice a year and recommend it to EVERYONE. It's about a young Hasidic Jew who has an amazing gift for creating art, but it goes against much of the community's beliefs and particularly displeases his father. Great read!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Mabelle
Another great book is "Lullaby" By Chuck Palahniuk (author of Fight Club). This is the description on Amazon
Assigned to write a series of feature articles investigating SIDS, troubled newspaper reporter Carl Streator begins to notice a pattern among the cases he encounters: each child was read the same poem prior to his or her death. His research and a tip from a necrophilic paramedic lead him to Helen Hoover Boyle, a real estate agent. Boyle and Streator have both lost children to "crib death," and she confirms Streator's suspicions: the poem is an ancient lullaby or "culling song" that is lethal if spoken--or even thought--in a victim's direction.

Anyway, i loved both. Lullaby is pretty screwed up (like all chuck's books) but it's a great read. you won't be able to put it down!

I wanna read that next. So far I've read Fight Club, Choke and Haunted and right now I'm reading Invisible Monsters. I love his style of writing, he goes into a lot of detail but at the same time manages to get the point across quickly without letting any one particular plot point drag on for too long.


Well-known member
For funny, romance and crime-busting by an incredible female lead:

Janet Evanovich's Stephenie Plum books (One for the Money, etc.).

Some of the funniest books I have ever read! You will fall in love with all the characters.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BarrelOfDonkeys
I wanna read that next. So far I've read Fight Club, Choke and Haunted and right now I'm reading Invisible Monsters. I love his style of writing, he goes into a lot of detail but at the same time manages to get the point across quickly without letting any one particular plot point drag on for too long.

if you like chuck, you might like douglas coupland.
i've like most of chucks books excluding haunted and rant.
i duno if you know, but choke has been made into a movie starring sam rockwell as victor. it looks awesome


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Mabelle
if you like chuck, you might like douglas coupland.
i've like most of chucks books excluding haunted and rant.
i duno if you know, but choke has been made into a movie starring sam rockwell as victor. it looks awesome

I heard about that a while back, I didn't know they already made it though. That'd make an awesome movie, well it has the potential to be an awesome movie anyway. He seems kinda old to be playing Victor though, cause he's supposed to be in his twenties.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BarrelOfDonkeys
I heard about that a while back, I didn't know they already made it though. That'd make an awesome movie, well it has the potential to be an awesome movie anyway. He seems kinda old to be playing Victor though, cause he's supposed to be in his twenties.

mid to late twenties, yes. it's an even sadder situation if he;s in his 30s though. the trailer is up on
It looks less "dark" than i imagined,but it look amazing. i cant wait to see it.


Well-known member
I'm in total agreement with "The Historian!" I'm about two-thirds into it and I can't put it down
I'm also a huge fan of period dramas (mostly Elizabethan era) and Philippa Greggory is great (her book "The Other Boleyn Girl" was just made into a movie). My boyfriend loves the Chuck Palahniuk books as well. I'm also reading George Orwell's "1984" (probably a book I should have read in school at some point, but I don't remember reading it) that I'm enjoying also. Probably not your cup of tea, but I'm reading a lot of Jane Austen and 'Austenite' books including several by Abigail Reynolds, Pamela Aiden's trilogy, and my favorite "Austenland" by Shannon Hale. Ahh! I have ADD sometimes and am usually in the middle of reading 3-5 books at once. I love summer reading time!


Originally Posted by BarrelOfDonkeys
I wanna read that next. So far I've read Fight Club, Choke and Haunted and right now I'm reading Invisible Monsters. I love his style of writing, he goes into a lot of detail but at the same time manages to get the point across quickly without letting any one particular plot point drag on for too long.

Rant is one of the best books he's written, in my opinion. Definitely worth checking out.


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I think its weird because I'm 26 and all but I like reading Teen books. Adult fiction just don't amuse me at all. I like reading the Private book series by Kate Brian and the Clique series by Lisi Harrison.