Can I get some suggestions from Moms?


Well-known member
I need to put together a gift bag for one of my clients. These are for 8 children between the ages of two and five that will be attending a wedding reception. I need ideas for "quiet" toys and entertainment that will hopefully keep them occupied long enough for their parents to enjoy dinner, at the least. I have a few ideas, but I could definately use some suggestions. I don't have any kids, or really even know any.

So far, I have a wedding themed coloring book and crayons, but I definately want some more variety in there. For older kids, big enough to read and not be with parents all night, I have a scavenger hunt game with disposible cameras and a list of things for them to find and photograph. The little guys have got me stumped. I have no clue what they would enjoy. Also, my budget is $15 per child.
Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks, ladies.


Well-known member
Well I'm not a mom, but I do have some expierience with kids. Heres a few I came up with:

-Card games (like UNO, or kiddy ones)
-Small hand-held puzzle games you'd find at a party supply store
-Small craft projects you'd find at Craft Store
-Chalk (if its outdoors)
-Polly Pocket dolls for little girls (the kind that are like 4 inches high and rubber, they come with little outfits and accessories, they are safe, and all little girls I know looove them)

Thats all I can think of right now. but good luck!!


Well-known member
Ditto polly pocket for girls! My daughter loooves them also the Crayola color wonder series it's paint and markers that don't stain and are clear and they have special coloring books/work books or paper that you use to show the design.