Can someone please explain this to me???


Well-known member
Hey everyone! Since I am new I'm not sure if this has been posted before, but I'm gonna ask anyway. I went through all of my 70+ eyeshadows and I am trying to figure out the differences in textures ie. veluxe pearl, matte, lustre, velvet, satin, and frost. So I have a pretty good idea how to tell what they are by appearance, but I am wondering if there is a good rule as far as which ones look best together. Like do mattes and lustres look especially good together (get what I'm asking??
) So if anyone can break this down for me that would help me a lot. Thanks!!


Well-known member
There really are no rules, it's just about what you like.

If you wanted a bit of a formula, just remember that light colours or frostier finishes (frost, veluxe pearl, lustres) tend to pull forward or make that area appear more prominent than the rest of the eye, i.e. the brow bone or lid.

Darker colours and matte finishes (matte, veluxe, satin) will appear more recessed. These are good colours for the crease of the lid.

This is really just a standard look though, there are so many things you can do, for example a smokey eye, where you would go mostly dark and matte all over the lid (generally).

Also remember that MAC has a habit of sometimes making a shadow and calling it one type of formula when its charecteristics mimic another formula.

Best advice: Play around and see what works for you


Well-known member
Thanks a lot!! I have always just played around, but I thought there had to be some formula. Thats cool that there isn't