can you ladies help me clarify on d/c eyeshadows?


Well-known member
Im a little confused reading all of the posts saying ____ eyeshadow is being discontinued, then a few posts later people say its not. I'm most interested in finding out if
..are being discontinued?


Well-known member
I inquired about Woodwinked at both my local counter and the Orlando Pro Store (just last week) and was told in each case that it has not been d/c.


Active member
As far as I know they are not being discontinued. Retrospek sells too well to be dc'd. And I know woodwinked was off floor at partnerd locations for ailwe but is still a permanet color. I'm unsure about goldmine but I havent heard anything.


Well-known member
Pink Source eye shadow has been discontinued. While that shade wasn't on your list, I thought I'd put that out there! It's absolutely my favorite eye shadow, and I recommend stocking up on it!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AllisonWeaver
Pink Source eye shadow has been discontinued. While that shade wasn't on your list, I thought I'd put that out there! It's absolutely my favorite eye shadow, and I recommend stocking up on it!!

i posted this in the other forum as well, but so that it is here as well, it wasn't dc'd. it was LE. you can't dc a LE item.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by erine1881
i posted this in the other forum as well, but so that it is here as well, it wasn't dc'd. it was LE. you can't dc a LE item.

Pink Source was a part of the permanent collection. It was then listed under "Good Byes" on the MAC web site, then brought back as limited edition.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AllisonWeaver
Pink Source was a part of the permanent collection. It was then listed under "Good Byes" on the MAC web site, then brought back as limited edition.

umm, it came out as LE with the turquatic collection in the summer of '06 and hasn't come out since. when is it that you say it was permanent?