case of the ex & the ipod


Well-known member
Me and my ex were together for a little over 2 years. We had our ups and downs but also alot of love, so I felt that was enough. We broke up once, for a month, last summer and he called and wanted to get back together, so we did. Then split again in January, for good. Not my choice, his. He ignored my calls for a week, I guess he figured I'd go away. He was my best friend so of course I didn't understand why he had to end it that way. He finalized it with a short, very mean phone call, and I never spoke to him again. Immaturity at it's finest, but whatever.

It's been 5 months since all of this and I've moved on with life, but I'd also be lying if I said I was over it. I still care for him, but I also hate him and I am trying my best to forget. I've gone thru breaksups, my first was the most traumatizing so I know this takes time. I also work full time and I'm a full time nursing student so I don't even have the time to be upset over him, or have the time to play with makeup anymore!

Ok anyways, obviously there's a point to this thread. I have not contacted him since he ended things. He emailed me in April thanking me for once being a part of this life- yes, thanking me. I did not respond. Now, he emailed me yesterday asking if I can mail him the Ipod shuffle he gave to me over a year ago...!! Talk about petty.

He gave it to me b/c he didn't need it, and my ipod was too big and the shuffle would be more practical for the gym. Also, this is a 40 buck shuffle that is old and who cares about anyways.

Long story short ( already long I know, sorry) I don't have the shuffle, I lost it a while ago. He's emailed me twice about it. The first just asking if I can mail it. no " how are you", nothing. The second, being extremely rude about it ,and expressing his urgency and importance about how much he needs this shuffle back ( too cheap to buy one for the new girlfriend? lol) As well as calling me " cold" and says he's not suprised I haven't responded and I'm the reason where we are today.

I'm not sure why he feels the need to do this. I never did him wrong , I was faithful, loyal, and loved him unconditionally. I don't get it. I know I should let it go. Maybe he just wants to get under my skin and annoy me- which is working...argh.

Anyways, I just felt like expressing this all in words and sharing my vent. suggestions?


Well-known member
You don't owe him anything...ESPECIALLY something that he gave to you. I mean, MAYBE I could see giving it back (if you had it) if he had left it with you and he just realized it and it hadn't been that long. But seriously, he gave it to you A YEAR AND A HALF ago.
I think that he's just trying to make some kind of contact with you and this is his stupid/immature way of doing it. Especially since he contacted you in April and you gave him no response. I'm sure that drove him CRAZY. Like you said, it's a $40 iPod...he doesn't need it that bad. I'd just let him sweat. If the emails continue and he continues to get meaner about it, then I would respond with a, "Please do not continue to attempt to contact me or send me any further emails in the future," and block his email and his number.


Well-known member
I totally agree with the above. You can block his email address too..which is what I would suggest. Completely ignore the emails.


Well-known member
yes, you're all right. It's just his lame way of contacting me one way or another. thnx for the responses. I'm blocking his emails.
OMG, is your ex that mean? I agree with everyone here. Just forget it and let things go! Time to move on. All the best for ya!


Active member
That is soo dumb!! why would he want it back I say just block his email and have no contact with him


Well-known member
I would write him an email explaining that you lost the shuffle, that you're sorry you don't have it but anyway you were under the assumption that it was a gift. That you wish him well and bye, bye. Spam his email and move on, he is such a looser for asking for a freaking shuffle that he obviously gave to you as a gift. Be happy that you no longer are with a man that isn't capable of moving on and be respectful to a person he had a meaningful relationship with.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by bgajon
I would write him an email explaining that you lost the shuffle, that you're sorry you don't have it but anyway you were under the assumption that it was a gift. That you wish him well and bye, bye. Spam his email and move on, he is such a looser for asking for a freaking shuffle that he obviously gave to you as a gift. Be happy that you no longer are with a man that isn't capable of moving on and be respectful to a person he had a meaningful relationship with.

yep, thats exactly what I did before. I said sorry I dont have it anymore. Thats it and I blocked the account. thnks for your response


Well-known member
Break-ups aren't usually pretty, and it's sad that he's making this one worse.

I'm glad to hear you're blocking his e-mails... not having any contact will hopefully help you get over him quickly. You deserve way better *hug*


Well-known member
Are you sure he has a new girlfriend? Or maybe he's using excuses to try and get you back -- but feeling denied and lashing out w/harsh words back at you to cover that up?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Brittni
Are you sure he has a new girlfriend? Or maybe he's using excuses to try and get you back -- but feeling denied and lashing out w/harsh words back at you to cover that up?

Thanks. I was j/k about the new g/f thing, I have no idea if he does.


Well-known member
Oh. I guess I'm more a hopeful/positive thinking in the fact that I think maybe he might be using excuses since it is a year later and such a trivial (small) item to bother getting back that he might actually want you back. but you know how guys are. who knows!


Well-known member
Dont even bother reading his emails. It will cause unncessary stress.
If he really truly wanted to reach out to you and potentially save a friendship he knows where you live



Well-known member
Fuck that Ipod! if i were you i would've told him i ate and then pooped it out. haha sike i wouldn't have said that but really f that ipod.


Well-known member
What a tool. He was just bothering you about the ipod because he wants to see you again. I had an ex do that to me. One day he's all "mail me this thing I gave you" and the second I agreed he wanted to just come over and get it because it was easier than mailing it.