Cat question

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
My cat's one eye is watering. While I intend on calling the vet ASAP in the morning (he isn't opened until the morning), I was wondering if any of you have any ideas of what it could be. She appears fine otherwise, eating, bathroom stuff, etc. She isn't sneezing, coughing, etc. I've been cleaning a lot today- do you think she just got some dust in her eye?


Well-known member
It's probably nothing, but if it's still watering around noon or so tomorrow, I'd call...


Well-known member
is her food dish plastic? I had a similar problem and my vet told me it's really bad for them to eat out of plastic - who knew?? They often have allergies to it. I had to go out and buy a glass food dish for her...


Well-known member
Keep an eye on it. If it doesn't clear up on it's own within a few days, or gets worse, definitely call your vet. If the eye starts to sink deeper into kitty's head or the third eyelid comes up, that's a big sign that something is definitely up.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Thanks. Her food dish is ceramic, so I don't think that's the issue.

It's hard to tell how she's feeling, because she's such a talkative cat and I can't always figure out if she's upset about something or happy.


Well-known member
perhaps she scratched her eye. in which, the doctor will give you some drops and everything should be a-ok. the same thing happend to my doggy

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Thanks for your concerns. She's still watering a little, but it isn't as bad as yesterday. I was reading some of the paperwork that came with her, and it looks like she may have a cold. The only thing the shelter recommends is wait it out, as long as she doesn't show any other symptons, like loss of appetite.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
Thanks for your concerns. She's still watering a little, but it isn't as bad as yesterday. I was reading some of the paperwork that came with her, and it looks like she may have a cold. The only thing the shelter recommends is wait it out, as long as she doesn't show any other symptons, like loss of appetite.

Did she reciently come from a shelter?
Perhaps she has "Kennel Cough" its like a cold. For animals. :achoo!"


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
Did she reciently come from a shelter?
Perhaps she has "Kennel Cough" its like a cold. For animals. :achoo!"

Cat's don't get kennel cough, but they do often get upper repiratory infections that require antibiotics. Or she could have scratched her eye or gotten litter dust in it...


Well-known member
Some days my little British Blue Jack has a slightly watery eye - I just wipe it clean with a moist Q-tip and keep an eye on it, usually doesn't last more than a day. I'm sure your kitty is fine

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
She is indeed a recent shelter cat, and I know she had an URI before. She's at least eating, her eye isn't watering really, but she's been sleeping a lot, even for a cat.