CCO and Extra Dimension haul


Well-known member
Hi everyone!

I went to the CCO this morning and bought a few things. I got the 168 and 188 SH brushes for doing my foundation and blush when travelling, and also picked up the Surf The Ocean pigment stack from last year's Surf Baby. They had most of SB there (including Hibiscus l/s!) and a lot from G&I, but I resisted temptation!

Then I went to check out Extra Dimension and Tres Cheek at my local MAC counter. I have 3 blushes from TC (Love Cloud, Immortal Flower and Pink Tea) and 3 e/s from ED (Blue Orbit, Sweet Heat and Modern Pewter) on their way to me in the post but they won't get here til Tuesday :(
Everything from the 2 collections was absolutely gorgeous - it may just be me but I can't actually think of any products released by MAC in 2012 that were flops??
I had no interest in the EDSFs, but Superb was just so beautiful that I had to pick it up
The texture of the e/s is to die for and I bought Rich Core and Grand Galaxy.

Has anyone tried any of these products? Opinions? And what have you bought recently that you really like? I'd love to know :)



Well-known member
GG is my FAV ED e/s so far... I haven't tried my RC yet... So, I'll try that one next. You will LOVE Superb! It's a gorgeous highlighter!
What a nice haul gracie90! Enjoy your goodies!