Chanel blush named... Blush?

little lukos

New member
Despite persistent Googling, I have not found proof that Chanel ever made a blush of any formulation called "Blush." Can anyone help me? With thanks in advance,

little lukos


Well-known member
Are you asking because of the one up for swap on MUA? I noticed that the other day. I've never heard of one named "Blush" personally (not that that means it didn't exist). It's pretty impossible to get info on really old ones...some were before there was much cosmetic info on the internet and Chanel CS/corporate are of no help at all - I asked them to help me answer a question about Evening Red JC not too long ago and they were like....."Huh?" You'd think someone there would have archives listing names of old shades, but I'd say you'd get more info here. Maybe someone else will have heard of it.


Well-known member
Is it the new-style Joues Contraste? Or something else, because Chanel has made makeup on and off since the 1920's.

little lukos

New member
Are you asking because of the one up for swap on MUA? I noticed that the other day. I've never heard of one named "Blush" personally (not that that means it didn't exist). It's pretty impossible to get info on really old ones...some were before there was much cosmetic info on the internet and Chanel CS/corporate are of no help at all - I asked them to help me answer a question about Evening Red JC not too long ago and they were like....."Huh?" You'd think someone there would have archives listing names of old shades, but I'd say you'd get more info here. Maybe someone else will have heard of it.
Yes, exactly-- I saw the tester up for swap (sans photo) and was wondering about it. Small world.

little lukos

New member
Is it the new-style Joues Contraste? Or something else, because Chanel has made makeup on and off since the 1920's.
Good question! It is more likely to be an older color, say circa early 2000's. Also, it may be a figment of an Ebay seller's creative imagination. It is a mystery! And also, pretty much un-Googleable because of the name!