Choosing eyeshadows


Well-known member
I have no idea how to choose eyeshadows (whether its for the outer lid, crease, etc) or how to mix and match them in order to wear them. I usually go by what the MA's pick but I want to learn how to choose them on my own. I looked at the color wheel but I have no idea how to use it. I was browsing both the Fryinnae and Mac websites and looking at their lovely eyeshadows but I don't even know where to start. I'm an NC50 by the way. I love teals, pinks, and purples. Any help and suggestions is appreciated.


Well-known member
When choosing keep in mind highlight- lightest color, soft and blendable. Lid color- medium. Crease color is the darkest and can be used to line the eyes. That's really basic.
It depends if you want to stay in the same color family or not. Just trust your instincts and when you have a few colors you like ask to try them on and see how you look. Too start choose a color you like a build around it, experiment.


Well-known member
At first i honestly had no idea what i was doing but i would just play with the colors. Swatch them on my hand and mix and match. See what i liked, didn't like etc. The MA's were really helpful and would give me tips and ideas off of the ideas that i got. Just experiment with colors that you feel comfortable playing with then branch out.


Well-known member
Get rich, bold, jewel tone eyeshadows that are very pigmented. Then find a black shadow and a nice highlight tone. Thats a good start.


Well-known member
Have you tried looking at some of the Tutorials and FOTDs? They're great guides for picking and wearing shades.


Well-known member
Also you should check out the swatch threads, there are a few swatches on WOC to help your colour choices. If you put NC50 in the search they'll all come up.


Well-known member
Go here to get ideas for color combinations. It helps me to pick new shadows and to find new uses for the shadows that I already have.