Clinique Interview!


New member
So Im already a on-call in cosmetics at Macys. Today I interviewed for a full time position in Clinique! I was interviewed by the executive/coordinator, and by the counter manger(who i work with already). I think it went pretty well! The executive liked me but i still wont know if i got the job or not until i receive a call (HOPEFULLY)!!!! I hope i get this position because it is more than just a job for me, its a career. I really enjoy cosmetics and have always admired Clinique so Im praying!


New member
Good luck....I'm new to this site..I'm applying for Clinique as well and had all my interviews and talent plus this past Saturday... I pray the account executive will call me in or phone me for a interview.. the lady who gave my talent plus interview was nice and stated I will pass the info over to ur account executive... so I hope I get a call...I hoped get in


Active member
Good Luck! Im applying also and the reccomended me for Estee lauder as well. Right now I need to wait for my TalentPlus phone interview before i can continue on


New member
Thank u for the post....So actually food news...I get the call from the executive for the interview and had it just waiting for them to call and offer position.. I'm worried I won't get it...I pray...