College dorming?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MsWestchesterNY
thanks^^ I'm so excitited to live on a dorm,I can't wait till January!!!!
Were meal plans mandatory? Cause at the school I plan on going to, it's quite expensive

most schools yes if you are in the dorms because its not like you can live off a mini fridge and a microwave lol... yeah i mean it was pretty expensive but you can choose from several different plans...... once you move into the apartments you dont need a meal plan cuz u have a kitchen but you still have the option lol... i cant talk about this forever i love college you will too! it was ruff in the begining but its such a good experience... i cant wait to go back to school now..... AND I NEVER THOUGHT I'D SAY THAT


Well-known member
Well first off it really varies not only by location, but also year to year as new people come into a dorm and old ones leave. Even if everyone is the same, a new RA can still change the situation.
I've lived in 3 different situations. The first one I had was with a roommate and a door between her side of the room and mine. While this did lend to some privacy, the fact that she had the inner room was not too helpful as she had male friends that she would sometimes bring into the room without (what I considered to be) sufficient warning. Other than that, there were some people on my floor who didn't know appropriate behavior from inappropriate behavior such as... when joking about porn and it's failing, the joke needs to stop.
My second year I was in a dorm that was an old house converted to a dorm. There were a whole lot less people living there and everyone had an individual room. I had a room with a loft in it. Part way through my second year I went to school in a different country and when I was there I had a suite situation almost like the one I had my first year. The only difference is that there was a shared space separating my suite-mate's room from mine and we each had our own doors from the hallway. The big problem though was the fact that she didn't like my spices in the kitchen (I guess they were too strong for her) and I didn't like her guests (who would hang out on the balcony right outside of my window and smoke).
After I got back to my school I went back to the place I had my second year, but I had the best room in the house because I started working in the house. I'm sure I would have enjoyed it more if it weren't for some of the people I lived with, but as a whole, it was a pretty amazing experience. I was able to spend time with other people who had been carefully selected to live in the house and even though some weren't into the whole theme, there were enough of us who were to make it enjoyable.
My last year I lived in a similar situation to my third year. Once again I got the best room, but that was just due to seniority and I learned to just ignore most other people in the house or find some way out of dealing with them (at that time my work had become so important to me that I didn't need to make up an excuse, I just honestly had something better to do).
All of those years, the kitchen was always the flash point. Sometimes it was heating, sometimes it was something about the bathroom, sometimes it was about event participation with the dorm. But without a doubt the kitchen always became an issue.

Now I decided that I'm going to skip the dorms and just live in an apartment because considering the fact that they're the same price, I'd rather just have some privacy and my own kitchen and bathroom.

Everyone's situation will be different so I hope you get to enjoy the moment.


Well-known member
Meal plans really depend on the school. For me because of my financial aid package my meal plan was included. I think for other people it was mandatory unless they belonged to a specific theme dorm that made them exempt. When I was in a different country though there was no meal plan period. There was a cafeteria, but it didn't have any sort of meal plan cards attached to it in any way.
When I to school in a different country, there was a meal plan option available, but I was allowed to opt out of that one. At that school I didn't live in the dorms, but even the people who did weren't obligated to sign up for a meal plan.
Now at my level I think that even if I were to live in the dorms, I wouldn't need to have a meal plan. Other than that, I'm not even sure the school I go to now (or the other one I was planning on going to) had meal plans even though they had eating areas.