Color On Instant Eye Shadow

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Well-known member
I was flipping through InStyle magazine and I saw something that caught my eye: Color On Instant Eye Shadow Applicators. They're these stickers (for lack of a better word) covered with an eye shadow gradient (kind of like pre-made and pre-blended eyeshadow look) that you apply to your eyes, blend it up a little, and voila! you have instant professional-looking eye makeup.

I don't know what to think of this...this might be a revolutionary concept, because I haven't heard of this previously. It is so strange and a tad cheesy to me, but that's just because I'm a skeptic.

Has anyone heard of this/tried it/ or has any information on it?
I would really like to know what people think.


Index | eye shadow, coloronpro, instant makeup | colorOn Professional <--- click there for the website.


Well-known member
Please make use of the search function, this topic has been covered and has several threads dedicated to the product.
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