Colour Craft Fraud


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Here is the MA's breakdown per Temptalia

MAC Colour Craft Collection - Backstage at the Photoshoot
MAC Cosmetics Colour Craft Collection - Backstage at the Photoshoot

Remember a few weeks ago when we were all wondering just how on earth MAC came up with the makeup used in this look?
Time for an Update!

Last week, we came across some behind-the-scenes photos from the Colour Craft photoshoot, and one of the photos showed a Ben Nye palette. After talking with MAC HQ, the Director of Makeup Artistry, Bianca Alexander, walked us through what was used for the photoshoot.
Here’s the breakdown she gave us:
  • Use Brush 222 to highlight under the left brow with Passionate Eye Shadow.
  • Blend Bitter Eye Shadow through the inner and center of eyelid with Brush 252.
  • Use Smolder Eye Kohl to intensify the waterline, and follow with Rapidblack Penultimate Eye Liner on both upper and lower lashline.
  • Use Brush 219 to blend Passionate Eye Shadow under lower lashline, diffusing the line outward for an airbrushed effect.
  • Begin design on the left eye by using Brush 242 to shade a circle of Natural Flare Mineralize Eye Shadow at the browbone.
  • Switch to Brush 219 to shade a circle of Fashion Patch Mineralize Eye Shadow at the temple.
  • Switch to a clean Brush 242 to shade a circle of Fashion Patch Mineralize Eye Shadow on the eyelid.
  • Follow by using Rapidblack Penultimate Eye Liner to outline all circle shapes with a delicate black line.
  • Begin design on the right eye by using Brush 219 to shade a circle of Passionate Eye Shadow at the browbone.
  • Use Brush 242 to shade a circle at the temple with Natural Flare Mineralize Eye Shadow.
  • Switch to the previous Brush 242 used to apply Fashion Patch Mineralize Eye Shadow on the left eye, and shade a circle at the crease to complete the right eye.
  • Follow by using Rapidblack Penultimate Eye Liner to outline all circle shapes on the right eye with a delicate black line.
  • Apply a generous coat of Zoomblack Zoom Lash Mascara on both upper and lower lashes.
  • Hydrate and refine lips with an application of Prep + Prime Lip with Brush 311.
  • Use Beet Lip Pencil to define lips before shading Lipstick in Trimming Talk along the outer edge with Brush 316.
  • Highlight the center of the lip with Lipglass in Miss Marble and Girlish Romp Mineralize Eye Shadow.
The ever-talented artist Linn recreated the Colour Craft face chart using the products suggested, and she achieved:


Active member
Originally Posted by MissChievous
I thought the promo shots were horrible - actually, most of MAC's recent promo shots have been awful. I've seen better makeup from amateurs online. This latest BN fraud is just another proof that MAC is going downhill - and not just slightly, but a nosedive.

I agree!

Say one was shopping for a car....she's looking for a bentley and she see's an ad for a dealership that claims to have bentleys but .. the closet thing to a Bentley they carry is a Chrysler 300. Now, I'm not claiming one is better than the other for I have not tried Ben nye but it's plain and simple....FALSE ADVERTISEMENT

Miss Dynamite

Well-known member
oo bad the artist is straight out lying. Some of the items they are claiming to have used for the look don't even look anything similar to the actual colors in the look. Hell, look at the lid color which is a very pigmented matte green color, and they lie and say they used Fresh Green Mix??? Then the matte orange color they claim is Natural Flare?? I didn't care much about this until the artists decided to lie...I absolutely HATE liars.


Well-known member
Yeah....I am one who believes that the products in the actual collection should be used but if not then certainly products from the line, not another line. And the thing is THERE IS NO WAY that MAC is going to say, "Ummm...yeah. We totally used Ben Nye for the shoot." I don't care how many times they reiterate that MAC was used. They are going to give you a list of the MAC products that you can use to re-create the look. Those products may very well get you the look but were they the products that were really used? I could throw on NARS Mediteranee and when I'm asked about it tell people that it's Firespot. Yeah, you can get a similar look but the fact is that's not what I used. It's just like when you go to the counter. The MAC MUAs often times (not all the time - so let's not go there) are not wearing the products they claim to be wearing but they have to tell you that it's a MAC product from whatever collection they are promoting at the moment. I do know this, the person who shot that Ben Nye palette backstage and the person who posted it might be out of a job.


Well-known member
well the post that tish posted up taken from another site has a picture where the lady has re-created the lkook using the suggested products and i think it looks really similar to the promo. take away the fact that the promo has been edited i now think that yes they were the products used.


Well-known member
They used the Ben Nye as the base, then layered MAC eyeshadows over them. I tried it and it gave the same colour and pigmentation as the backstage promo pics, with no shimmer showing through e.g layer MAC electric eel e/s over the BN lumiere blue eyeshadow.
This isn't that big a deal, almost everyone does this (Bare Escentuals I hear is the gold standard) though they should have at least matched the products to the promo pics (they could have used the C promo pics for later and gone with a more nude, shimmery look that would look like the collection's products). My complaint with MAC is that there are too many collections and the quality for their collections isn't good.


Well-known member
I guess I just honestly don't care...I buy what I like from all lines regardless of what their promo or ad pictures look like. And yes a lot of the MAC MA's as well as other MA's wear other brands and they are told to only wear the company brand they represent so they have to lie basically...But My MA always tells me when it is something else....and again it really doesn't matter personally to me because I buy what I like...Not based on promos which are made to look better than the actual products anyway...Even with the promos it is still not necessarily gonna look like that on me when I apply it...I think people worry to much about things that really at the end of the day ...who cares....and that is Just my Opionion on it ONLY....You are entitled to care...I just simply think what the hell is the point in worrying about it...Buy what you like from the company you like.


Well-known member
I agree, its just kind of weird to me, If promoting cosmetics they should be the cosmetics you are trying to sell. I think they do this often. Like style warriors you know half what the model was wearing couldnt have been in the collection. She had to have been wearing pro paints for something


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aziajs
Yeah....I am one who believes that the products in the actual collection should be used but if not then certainly products from the line, not another line. And the thing is THERE IS NO WAY that MAC is going to say, "Ummm...yeah. We totally used Ben Nye for the shoot." I don't care how many times they reiterate that MAC was used. They are going to give you a list of the MAC products that you can use to re-create the look. Those products may very well get you the look but were they the products that were really used? I could throw on NARS Mediteranee and when I'm asked about it tell people that it's Firespot. Yeah, you can get a similar look but the fact is that's not what I used. It's just like when you go to the counter. The MAC MUAs often times (not all the time - so let's not go there) are not wearing the products they claim to be wearing but they have to tell you that it's a MAC product from whatever collection they are promoting at the moment. I do know this, the person who shot that Ben Nye palette backstage and the person who posted it might be out of a job.

Originally Posted by TISH1124
I guess I just honestly don't care...I buy what I like from all lines regardless of what their promo or ad pictures look like. And yes a lot of the MAC MA's as well as other MA's wear other brands and they are told to only wear the company brand they represent so they have to lie basically...But My MA always tells me when it is something else....and again it really doesn't matter personally to me because I buy what I like...Not based on promos which are made to look better than the actual products anyway...Even with the promos it is still not necessarily gonna look like that on me when I apply it...I think people worry to much about things that really at the end of the day ...who cares....and that is Just my Opionion on it ONLY....You are entitled to care...I just simply think what the hell is the point in worrying about it...Buy what you like from the company you like.

i must be the only mac artist that actually wears only mac at work (and play)!


Well-known member
I am sure you are not the only one....But a few I know do incorporate other makeups they have into their Nars Blushes etc....MUFE foundation...But 95% of their mu is MAC


Well-known member
^The only non MAC item I have been wearing since the beginning of the summer is the slights bits of Bare Escentuals powder into my Mineralize Powder. Personally, I wouldn't work for MAC or wear MAC if I didn't love it. I don't BS my customers that's why my sales are highest or among the highest at all times at my counter. I don't wear NARS and say it's MAC, etc. Lol! Whoever does that really shouldn't work for the company. It's not a job, it's a lifestyle, and I for one live and breathe MAC everyday of my life. Even though Colour Craft definitely doesn't look like the collection it's promoting, at least it grabs attention. Think of all the other previous visuals that didn't showcase the collection! Balloonacy and Of Beauty come to mind, but those aren't the only ones. You can't just let the visual sell the makeup. Go to your favorite MAC artist and see what they have to say.

All of this professional vs. consumer vs. whatever cosmetic talk reminds me of when I went to Update. For Fall Update, Pro NYC was having a model casting call. In the studio section of the store they were doing test shots (or maybe even visual pix? I have no idea!) but there was a model with a completely navy face. Think like bright navy like Auto-De-Blu. She looked amazing. Whoever thinks that MAC doesn't have enough range for professional results doesn't know. I know the artist that did this chick's makeup and all he uses is MAC. It's really late and I'm sure my sentances are less than eloquent but think before you bash MAC. MAC is for everyone. The soccer mom, the teenager, the grandmother, the artist, the actor. For everyone. Just because some products are sheer doesn't mean ALL of them are.

Edit: I'm SO sorry for bumping this! I didn't realize the latest posts were so old!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by frocher
^I think they do this often for every product. I heard they use elmer's glue for the milk in cereal ads, it photographs better. Sadly, I expect a little deception from makeup ads. For instance all the mascara ads where the women are wearing about 5 pairs of false eyelashes and then they computer enhance the image.

Man, that grinds my gears like you wouldn't believe! I'm so glad that now they have to say it's shot with lash inserts even though that is of limited help because if the mascara is crap they can get really big lashes and still make it work. It's odd that the mascara that looked weakest in the ads isthe one that works best on me, good old Colossal.

I never thought they would do that stuff for food...
it reminds me of that Simpsons episode when they were filming something and Bart asked why the guy was painting spots on a horse and he said they made better cows and if they wanted a horse they would tape dogs together..OH THE DECEPTION!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by RedRibbon
...... ....Simpsons episode when they were filming something and Bart asked why the guy was painting spots on a horse and he said they made better cows and if they wanted a horse they would tape dogs together..OH THE DECEPTION!

That is hilarious!