Coming from the shadows


Okay, so I admit. I've been lurking on this site for some time now and figured I should come out of the wood work. My name is Teara, am 17. I joined the site because a friend ofmine happened t mention this was a great forum so I decided to hop the bandwagon. Unlike a lot of the people on this board, I don't wear makeup everydaybut I'm slowly starting to wear it more for everyday than just special ocassions. Well, I think that's all I can think to say at the moment. If you have any questions for me feel free to ask.


Well-known member
Hi there! Welcome
I don't wear makeup every day either. In fact, this summer I'm working with kids on a farm so I doubt I'll get to wear much makeup at all!


Well-known member
Welcome to Specktra!
I would think of it like this - It's not about how often we wear makeup but how great it makes us feel (and look!) when we do. :thumbsup: Glad to have you!