Comparaison? How alike are MAC Vex & the lightest shade of CARGO's Kentucky duo r/o


Well-known member
have a feeling they are knock offs of eachother but have no access to either brand:S



Well-known member
I have Kentucky and *had* Vex ( I swapped it).

Sorry to say this here on a MAC website, but the Cargo Version just has a nicer texture, not so hard. MAC's barely shows up on me but the Cargo version works better IMHO.

(The other side of Kentucky is quite similar to MAC's Fiction as well. Again, great soft texture... )


Well-known member
Yes, they are close in color. The lighter color of Kentucky is less pinkish than Vex on me. Both show up fine on my lids. I prefer the more multi-dimensional color of the Vex, but have to agree the texture of the Cargo shadow is better. The pan of Vex I have is a little grainy, and the Cargo is much smoother in my opinion.


Well-known member
Thank you very much both for your comments - seems I should NOT get Vex if I am avoiding (near) duplicates, would you agree?

And since another comparaison was added (Fiction) I can tell that Cargo Oregon's dk side is an almost exact copy of stila's Sage (and Face Sthlm #12), where the lighter one makes stila Golightly superficial IMO (had all and chose the Cargos to keep) Hope that may help someone else