Contour for NW15?


Well-known member
I am looking for contouring and highlighting powders for NW15 in either regular or PRO products. Any suggestions greatly helpful and appreciated.


Well-known member
Bone Beige or Sculpt are my go-to contouring shades. For a more dramatic effect, you can try Shadowy. I love those three shades for NW complexions as they are neutral-to-cool rather than warm based (as most bronzers are).


Well-known member
Knew I could count on my "skin twin" to help out. Thank you again for lending your expertise. It is greatly appreciated.
Bone Beige or Sculpt are my go-to contouring shades. For a more dramatic effect, you can try Shadowy. I love those three shades for NW complexions as they are neutral-to-cool rather than warm based (as most bronzers are).


Well-known member
Bone beige is my go to contour powder. For highlight I have been addicted to the layered combo of lightscapade msf over luna