Coral Lipliner rec


Well-known member
I love my Vegas Volt and Eager l/s but I don't exactly have lipliners that's similar to the color of the lipsticks...currently I'm using creme sherry, which doesn't alter the color of either (which is a good thing cuz I love their colors just the way they are), but I'm looking for a liner(s) that's closer to the actual color of the lippies.

Preferrably something lighter/softer than the lippies, but not a nude-ish liner (ie. creme sherry).

Is it me or does MAC not make a lot of brighter coral lipliners for their bold coral lippies?



Well-known member
I'd like to know the answer to this too. I keep having to dip into pinks which then defeats the purpose.


Well-known member
The perfect coral lipliner is Mac's Lure, but it's discontinued. Maybe you can still find it somewhere...


Well-known member
I've noticed this too. I always end up using Summer Fruit, which I do love, but it's not even remotely close in colour to the majority of my coral lipsticks.

I think it was more coral than Creme Sherry, as I'm sure I was torn between those two when I was after a coral liner. Summer Fruit is described on the site as "pale coral".

Good luck on your search though, hopefully there's a brighter coral out there, cos I could do with one too!


Well-known member
I am looking for a coral l/l too. I noticed it's not just mac but coral l/l in general are not very common. It's either pink or orange


Active member
iluvmac is correct - lure is the perfect lip pencil for corals - I've been so sad since it's been sold out at my counter.


Well-known member
What about Coral slim pencil from NYX? It seems like it could be bright enough for Vegas Volt (which I LOVE...), and at $3, even if it's not a perfect match, you won't be throwing away a ton of money.