Cried like a moron in Wet Seal


Well-known member
So I am screeching near the -30lb mark. However I suffer from Body dysmorphia and the way I see myself, and how I actually look are two different things.
Anyway, My husband took me into Wet Seal and grabbed two dresses, size Medium and shoved me into the dressing room ( not literally, get my point).

I fit, well might I add, into size medium at Wet Seal. I was shopping at Layne Bryant a year ago. I know there are lots of specktrettes who are very thin S and XS, but being able to shop at Wet Seal, and get into a MEDIUM was a big accomplishment for me. I started to cry. Iam sure people thought I was insane.

But Weight Watchers and exercise DOES work. Even though I only lost 27lbs because I exercized and did it right I lost LOTS of inches ( 5 off of my waist! OMG!!)

So keep on keepin on people!! It will work!!


Well-known member
Good for you, hon! That's fantastic! 27lbs takes a lot of work and you should be proud of yourself. AND props to you for doing it the right way, healthy diet and exercise.

That's nice that your husband is helping you to recognize your accomplishments. Congrats, again.


Well-known member
I am very happy for you. Losing 27lbs takes a lot of work and determination. Wish you the best.
i am sooo happy for you=) dont worry, its perfectly normal (the whole crying thing) believe me, i would've done the same thing if i were you. and 27lbs, that's a lot. great work=)


Well-known member
that's amazing, congratulations! I'm planning on starting Weight Watchers after Christmas, I'm nervous because I've never done a structured diet before and I'm a huge fan of food


Well-known member
OMGZ im so happy for you ! srsly ...I well I can't believe im typing this out loud lol ..but I was very very overweight ..actually ima go ahead and tell u how overweight I was ...I was at 302 1 year and 1 month ago ..wearing a really really tight size 24... and I have been losing wegight slowly by watching what I eat and excersising like crazy and im down too 206 ..i can't even begin to tell you how exciting it was for me to fit in a mutha cluckin Large (although I think old navy large is probablly more like an XL lol at old navy... but anyway my jeans are a 16 and my tops are L now so yep dieting and excersising work peeps. Yes a freakin large from like triple x is an accomplishment ..and believe me when I say I am SUPER HAPPY FOR YOU =P

keep it up ....and super grats to you for your hard work.


Well-known member
OH! I am so proud of you!! I know how hard it is and how amazing it is fit into a size MEDIUM!!! 27 lbs! You deserve a big gold star!!!


Well-known member
That's so awesome! Thank you for sharing your life and personal moments with us and congratulations on what you've accomplished


Well-known member
Congratulations, that must have taken a lot of determination and motivation, we're all proud! Just out of curiosity, how long did it take to lose the weight?


Well-known member
congratulations! how is WW? How does it work? Do you do meetings and eat their food?

I am trying to find something that works with my lifestyle. I'd like to loose 25 lbs. Congrats again that is awesome!!