Da Bling vs. Sushi Flower


Well-known member
Da Bling is cooler, lighter, and frostier. The lighting at the counter I was at is *really* off, but Da Bling sort of reminded me of a brighter version of Pink Papillion.


Well-known member
Is Da Bling a little bit closer to Jest maybe? I looked at DopeSickGirl's swatches, and that's sort of what it reminded me of...


Well-known member
I am really pale, but da bling is now my favorite pink. It is a true pink shade without much hint of other colours. I wore it yesterday with little minx and it looked fantastic. It is not like jest or sushi flower in my opinion. It definitely reminded me of a more intense version of pink papillion, but I don't have PP so it is just from my memory.


Well-known member
I have both Da Bling and Pink Papillion and I concur that Da Bling is a more intense and more pigmented version of PP. Very pretty but I had hoped that it would be darker.