Darker, plummy e/s recs please?


Well-known member
I did a search and didn't come up with anything other than more questions!!

What MAC e/s would you recommend for my skin tone/eyes? I was going back and forth between such shades as Trax, Sketch, Cranberry and the like.

A couple things:
I have Twinks and love it, so along that darkness or more is what I'm after-- but I'm looking for a more "plum" kind of shade that I can pair with bronzey/neutral shades as well as more vibrant ones. Anything like that out there?

Also, I have a fear of looking punched in the face and don't want it too vibrant...like what I'm thinking Hepcat, or Plum Dressing is like.



Well-known member
I second sketch! Twinks has a bit of a plum to the brown, so layering it over sketch is gorgeous. Also, check out Folie and Blackberry...both beautiful plummy-browns, Folie being a bit lighter than Blackberry.

Kiss and Makeup

Well-known member
I just remembered something else, now that I'm in front of my makeup.

If it's still not purple enough, I like to use Heritage Rouge (LE)


Well-known member
It seems like this thread is making us forget things, lol....I forgot to mention Shadowy Lady (the e/s, not the quad), as well.


Well-known member
Thanks ladies. Hmm... I am still at a loss... what to pick? This is a silly, but serious dilemma that only you all would understand :LOL: