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Daytime Browns w/a bright Turquoise Twist (super easy/quick)


Well-known member
This is a really fast & easy look to do...and the results make it look like you spent a lot of time on it.

It's a turquoise-y blue / brown look... good for those who want something that will POP, but not be too over the top during the daytime!

Heres what it looks like:



and here's the video tutorial for it.

I also just wanna say thanks so much for everyone who always comments and gives me feedback... I really really appreciate it all! (=



Well-known member
I love your vids! Your looks are AWESOME! I cant wait to see more looks by you! Keep up the great work!
You say it's really fast and easy to do, and it does look like you spent hours working on it. So pretty! You have a beautiful skin tone and those colors look great on you.

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