Depot Magnet Question -


Well-known member
i'm in the uk and i go to a craft shop called gadsbys where they self self sticking magnetic tape roll or just small magnetic discs. personally i go for the roll as it's more cost effective and because i depot my blusher as well i can cut it bigger depending on what i'm depotting!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TDoll
They SHOULD just make the bottom magnets...then it would rid the need for the sticky magnets all together because the metal pans would stick!
hmmm...but then your palette would be attracting stuff it shouldn't... maybe they got it right after all! lol

I don't agree with that, it's a plus from one side but like the Stila palettes it would make it too much magnetized and we couldn't place those close too credit card and stuff like that. Plus you can find small magnets in every dollar store.
I still love your videos tho