Did any body get a TURQUATIC POSTCARD?


Well-known member
I went to MAC yesterday to purchase two Turquatic l/g
and Dame blush....I asked for a Turquatic Postcard
and my salesgirl told me that she never got them in.
Hmmm did any body else get one?


Well-known member
Hmmm....I didn't see any at my counter either. Do they have postcards for the mini collections? IE. C-Squeeze, Deja Rose, Turquatic.


Well-known member
I am not sure, I just like collecting them. Maybe your right perhaps they don't make them for the "mini collections". =o)


I don't think there is a US one -- there may be an Asian one. They seem to get postcards for all collections. US just gets them for major ones, like A Muse. Don't expect a US Avant Gold one either.


Well-known member
I asked the MA at the store I went to when I purchased my Turquatic items, and she said they just hadn't received them yet, but they would. I'm seriously doubting that though. Especially since there is now a postcard for A Muse, why would they put one out for Turquatic after the fact?? ??


Well-known member
I got one, it's the girl who is posted here in the A Muse sticky thread in this forum, with the white eyeshadow. I can take a pic when I get home if no one else has by then.


Well-known member
I was under the impression that there wasn't any post card for Turquatic collection. Someone else from Sepcktra mentioned that as well. (mini collection=no post coard) Anyway When Turquatic was released, I placed my order online and with pkg received Amuse post card. It looks same as one that is on MAC website on entry page.