Discontinued Product List Project?


Well-known member
I went to MAC today with my usual lipstick list ( I can use a tube up in three days....scary...) and four of my usual shades were D"C"d.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AllisonWeaver
Pink Source eye shadow has recently been discontinued.

its not dc'd, it was LE. in order for an item to be dc'd, it has to have been permanent to begin with.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by erine1881
its not dc'd, it was LE. in order for an item to be dc'd, it has to have been permanent to begin with.

Pink Source was a part of the permanent collection. It was then listed under "Good Byes" on the MAC web site, then brought back as limited edition.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AllisonWeaver
Pink Source was a part of the permanent collection. It was then listed under "Good Byes" on the MAC web site, then brought back as limited edition.

umm, it came out as LE with the turquatic collection in the summer of '06 and hasn't come out since. when is it that you say it was permanent?