Do you smoke or have you ever?


Well-known member
Here in England the government is wrangling over a ban on smoking in public places which is something I'm very much in favour of. I love going to bars in places like New York, California and Atlanta where smoking is now banned. I don't end up with my clothing and hair smelling like an ashtray.

The only group in the UK population where the incidence of smoking is increasing at the moment is among teenage girls which is very worrying.

I had grandparents who smoked heavily (it killed both on my mother's side) and hate the smell of cigarette smoke so much that I've never even tried a single cigarette. The health aspects should be enough to put most people off but they don't. Below is a photograph which shows two pairs of lungs (they are real taken after an autopsy/post mortem examination). On one side you have a pair of lungs belonging to a smoker and the black tar and particulate staining is obvious. You can also see the enlargement of the heart in the smoker caused by needing to compensate for the decreased lung function - blood needs to be pumped harder. On the other side you have non-smokers lungs.

So how many members here smoke and spend money on cigarettes instead of on makeup (shame on you!)



New member
I smoked from age 13-22... LOOOONG TIME! I've been cig free for about a year... a little under... I stopped smoking when I started going to the gym because I noticed that I couldnt walk slowly on the treadmill for 5 minutes without running out of breath!!! it was horrible... now i'm a lot better. I still have an occasional cig when i drink but nothing more than like once every couple of months!!! im so proud!!!


Well-known member
I smoked for yeeeeeeeears, started at 11 (yeah I know, very very stupid) and finally quit, for good, this year, at 24 years old. And by quit for good I mean, no more sneaking a smoke when I've been out drinking--that was the hardest part of qutting for me, I always smoked when I drank. Had my last ever cigarette when my friend passed away this summer, after not having a smoke for almost a year, the taste was so gross. That was it for me.


Well-known member
I've been a smoker for a few years now, and I don't want to be one for the rest of my life, particularly when I start having kids (which is about seven years away, I'd wager). I know it's bad for me (you've been living under a rock if you don't know that, hehe), but it became a coping mechanism for me when life wasn't going so well, and it's still something I enjoy. I won't try to justify it with all the "everything gives you cancer these days, you have to die of something" stuff, but it is my choice, and for now I'm comfortable with my decision.


Well-known member
I smoked from ages 17-20. Thanks goodness I quit, I had already gotten a constant cough and I feel so much better now. I quit almost 5 years ago!


New member
I smoked for 3 years. I stopped when I was 18. Wish I never even touch those nasty things!


Well-known member
Nope. Never smoked.

Not to say sometimes I'm tempted when I'm in a bad mood to try to look all bad ass and take a drag on a cig but nope can't do it.

My parents never even told me it was bad to smoke. My dad is a pharmacist so he would come home and tell momma of some customers that died of lung cancer or while I working with him at the store some customers would come in and they would describe the pain they were in.

The worst for me is when I was a kid I always heard my grandmother cough, she quit smoking just for me, and one day I went in and I saw her asleep. I had no idea she smoked really cuz i was only 4 and my mom said honey grannannys dead.

It wasnt until later that my parents told me she was a smoker and thats what ultimately killed her. They never ever ever told me it was bad they just would tell me stuff like that.

It was then that I began to realize how bad-if not (forgive me ladies) how silly it is to shorten your life. Then I started picking up on things, like girls my age would have leathery skin forming on their necks or hands, or those lines around their mouth from smokeing.

The worst though right now currently is my neighbour. She's in a great deal of pain right now and she has ovarian and lung cancer at the same time. Her SO has come into our driveway crying because he doesnt know how he can help her-and she still smokes!

So I never really did it only because I didnt want to die that way. It just seems like a bad way to die in my opinion. *shrugs*


Well-known member
firstly i want to congradulate all you girls who have resisted temptation and stopped!! - WELL DONE. It's such a great thing you are doing to your own body and health and you will most definitely feel the pleasures of being smoke free in later years to come. i personally don't smoke nor will i ever- i just really don't like the feeling and all the guilt that knowing that i'ts giong to ruin your body with every puff.... but yes, i once again applaud all those that have given up


Well-known member
I've smoked since I was 14. I'm 22 now. I started out with Newports (then Newport 100s) and switched to Marlboro Mentols and now smoke Camel Turkish Jade or Turskish Gold. I only get the Gold if their buy one get one free. I also smoke the Marlboro Menthol 72s (they are smaller ciggerates) from time to time. I hate that in NY we can no longer smoke in resturants, but most bars here allow smoking. They have wavers. I won't go to a bar that doesn't allow smoking. I pay $5 for a pack of ciggerettes now (some stores $4.50) and usually one pack lasts me 2-3 days. I love smoking after I eat. I have no idea why, but as soon as I finish a meal I have to smoke. One day I will probably quit, but they calm me down when I need it. I did stop for like a year back when I was 17 and started again when I went to college since they allowed smoking on campus.


Well-known member
Okay, I said I'd never tried, but I have tried a clove cigarette because I loved the smell so much. But the taste and the after taste and the way I felt afterwards were just soooo not worth it! Oh, and the CANCER....I work at a veterans hospital and they ALLLLL smoke, and they've been doing it so long I don't even try to get them to stop. I know they get enough of it from their doctors (who also all smoke). But I have a REALLY hard time not walking up to young people and just smacking the cigarette out of their mouth! Why would you start in the first place??? "It seemed cool" is no longer an excuse, sorry!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by caffn8me
Here in England the government is wrangling over a ban on smoking in public places which is something I'm very much in favour of. I love going to bars in places like New York, California and Atlanta where smoking is now banned. I don't end up with my clothing and hair smelling like an ashtray.

I am so with you on this. I am asthmatic and so severely allergic to cigarette smoke that I have to avoid most bars and clubs. I even had a trip to see U2, which was supposed to be a special present for my bf, and for which I paid nearly £200 for tickets, ruined because not 1 but 10 people directly seated around me in the stadium were smoking, even though smoking was banned! I really hate how selfish some smokers can be when they impose their habit on everyone around them, even in non-smoking areas, as if they have some sort of right to pollute everyone'e airspace. What happened to my right to smoke free air?

I ended up having a panic attack and bursting into tears at the concert because I couldn't get away from the smoke and the stewards seemed to be not in the least interested.

I know many smokers are very thoughtful and considerate but it's the minority that seem to think they can smoke anywhere that really get up my nose.


Well-known member
Never have and never will. My mother did (smoking contributed to her dropping dead at the ripe old age of 37) and my father does and I think it's just disgusting. A lot of people here in the Chicago area are complaining because there's talk again of banning smoking in bars, etc., but I think it's a good thing. I might even be inclined to go more places then. We went to Boston on our vacation and it was nice to be able to go into the bar down the street from our hotel and not be bombarded by it.


New member
Originally Posted by lovemichelle
I've smoked since I was 14. I'm 22 now. I started out with Newports (then Newport 100s) and switched to Marlboro Mentols and now smoke Camel Turkish Jade or Turskish Gold. I only get the Gold if their buy one get one free. I also smoke the Marlboro Menthol 72s (they are smaller ciggerates) from time to time. I hate that in NY we can no longer smoke in resturants, but most bars here allow smoking. They have wavers. I won't go to a bar that doesn't allow smoking. I pay $5 for a pack of ciggerettes now (some stores $4.50) and usually one pack lasts me 2-3 days. I love smoking after I eat. I have no idea why, but as soon as I finish a meal I have to smoke. One day I will probably quit, but they calm me down when I need it. I did stop for like a year back when I was 17 and started again when I went to college since they allowed smoking on campus.

do u know that it's actually all in ur head that u need a cig after u eat and that u need a cig to cam u down... that was always my thing... im a "stress smoker" when i get stressed out, i feel like i NEED a cig but it actually makes u more nervous...

Originally Posted by jasper17
Never have and never will. My mother did (smoking contributed to her dropping dead at the ripe old age of 37) and my father does and I think it's just disgusting. A lot of people here in the Chicago area are complaining because there's talk again of banning smoking in bars, etc., but I think it's a good thing. I might even be inclined to go more places then. We went to Boston on our vacation and it was nice to be able to go into the bar down the street from our hotel and not be bombarded by it.

I am so sorry about your mother... My mom used to smoke too. Thankfully she's still alive and we decided to quit smoking together. It was actually really hard but the ban of smoking in most places here in NY helped a lot. I always felt like I needed a cig after I drank... that changed quickly when they came out with that law... I was in college so I was all in my drinking stage... I would rather have another drink that go have a cig in the cold... so that helped a lot with me cutting down till i finally quit!!! so hopefully they will pass that law in chicago!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sxychika1014
do u know that it's actually all in ur head that u need a cig after u eat and that u need a cig to cam u down... that was always my thing... im a "stress smoker" when i get stressed out, i feel like i NEED a cig but it actually makes u more nervous...

I am so sorry about your mother... My mom used to smoke too. Thankfully she's still alive and we decided to quit smoking together. It was actually really hard but the ban of smoking in most places here in NY helped a lot. I always felt like I needed a cig after I drank... that changed quickly when they came out with that law... I was in college so I was all in my drinking stage... I would rather have another drink that go have a cig in the cold... so that helped a lot with me cutting down till i finally quit!!! so hopefully they will pass that law in chicago!

Yes, of course but I like it. The taste the smell. It's just something I like.


New member
Originally Posted by lovemichelle
Yes, of course but I like it. The taste the smell. It's just something I like.

trust me... i know how that feels...


Well-known member
I've smoked since I was 15, I'm 32 now. I just got a prescription from my doctor that is supposed to help me quit. Here's hoping it does, because nothing else ever has and I've tried everything. I don't smoke in the house or around my daughter, but the second I have a beer, I gotta light that cigarette. I am respectful of people who don't smoke though. I don't smoke in resturants and I no longer go to bars. Mostly I just go out on my back porch at night and have a cigarette with my neighbor that also smokes. They are trying to ban smoking in public here locally as well and that is fine with me. When I was pregnant, people would light up cigarettes around me and that used to really upset me. (I quit smoking while I was pregnant-I guess my baby's health was the only deterent strong enough so far)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jenjunsan
I've smoked since I was 15, I'm 32 now. I just got a prescription from my doctor that is supposed to help me quit. Here's hoping it does, because nothing else ever has and I've tried everything. I don't smoke in the house or around my daughter, but the second I have a beer, I gotta light that cigarette. I am respectful of people who don't smoke though. I don't smoke in resturants and I no longer go to bars. Mostly I just go out on my back porch at night and have a cigarette with my neighbor that also smokes. They are trying to ban smoking in public here locally as well and that is fine with me. When I was pregnant, people would light up cigarettes around me and that used to really upset me. (I quit smoking while I was pregnant-I guess my baby's health was the only deterent strong enough so far)

I am the same way when I drink. I like to smoke and drink. Just chill out with those. I like to drink and smoke something besides ciggs, but that's a big no-no.