Do you use your Fake MAC products?


Well-known member
I unknowingly bought a fake pigment/glitter "Reflects Antique Gold"...I figured out it was fake a couple of months after I tossed it .... I couldn't use it. Literally the product came in a pigment style jar (full) and contained small/tiny specks of glitter that got on EVERYTHING and wouldn't stick to the eyes, or even the brush, at all...There was no pigmentation to it. I couldn't believe MAC got away with selling this junk
After reading about all of the fake MAC going around via ebay, I have assumed that's what I got....I could go back and research who sold it to me, but have been too lazy lol.


Well-known member
I wouldn't use it, I as others have said, would keep it for furture references. Which is why I would only buy cosmetics from the source ( counter,store, cco, or a trusted seller on here or LJ)

But If I bought a fake brush, I honestly would use it, can't do any harm right?