Does anyone else get ACNE around their LIPLINE?


Active member
i get these gigantic white heads around my lipline all the time. and unfortunately, i do have scars from them. however, i've found that clearasil (sp?) vanishing spot treatment works really well on those suckers! (and its cheap! score!)

hope it helped. :]


Well-known member
A lotta stuff causes pimples on the lipline I've found:

Toothpaste - I tend to brush my teeth before cleansing my face to wash any remnants off

Lipgloss - I try to put on as little as possible and be very careful with application

Hormones - I must admit I get them more on the lead up to that time of the month!

Illness - during/after a cold they make an appearance sometimes

I've found a tiny dab of Manuka Oil (which is a type of Tea Tree) on my finger and line it round my mouth before bed keeps them away!

Also if you keep your hands away from your mouth (no biting nails etc) then that's always a bonus, the dirt on our hands never helps matters!


Well-known member
I get TERRIBLE break outs on my chin and lipline - at the moment its terrible. I've recently discovered mine is probably due to contact irritation or contact acne (everyone has a different name). Basicaly a lot of people lean on their hands, cover mouth with hands when sitting, rub mouths, etc etc, and it leads to build ups and nasty things. Some people touch that area more than others - I know someone who always holds their temples and they are really breakout prone there.

So im trying to touch my chin/mouth area less, and it seems to be working! Just something to think about if you do that a lot.

Although the Clinique coverstick i will look into.....

Nadia xx


Well-known member
i notice if i smoke ( i quit and start up for like 2 weeks after like 4 months of not smoking im weird i know) I get blemishes around my lip line...especially on the right side..its where I put the cigarette. I think since i touch there sometimes when i smoke i break out. like right now i got one that is healing...and yeah of course i screwed with it so it looks all big and gross..lovely

lol one more reason to quit for good I guess.