Does anyone know if theres a way to get a list of past purchases from MAC?


Kind of like at sephora. They always ask for my name and location, so I would assume they have record of everything I've bought. Does anyone know how to go about getting this? I'd like it for my own reference.


Well-known member
I know on the MAC website you can click on "Previously Purchased" and it shows everything you've ever bought from them online - or it should. Failing that, unfortunately - I'm not sure. But if they don't, I've gone through ALL of mine and listed them individually for an inventory.

Audrey C

Well-known member
Kind of like at sephora. They always ask for my name and location, so I would assume they have record of everything I've bought. Does anyone know how to go about getting this? I'd like it for my own reference.
I buy from counters, free-standing MAC stores and online. I don't think that a centralized inventory exists for me. What I've done is enter everything I've purchased as a favourite on the MAC site. I also maintain an inventory spreadsheet in Excel.


Well-known member
It depends on the country i suppose. Coz over here in my country they have a system that if u are registered with them (filling up a form with ur name, details etc etc), whenever u make a purchase @ the mac counter, they would key your purchase into the system so u can keep track of what u have buy in case u lost the item and need to repurchase the same item again... i m not too sure if this system is in place @ other mac counters in other countries though. So i guess it varies from country to country? Maybe u would like to check with your local mac counter to see if have this system in place first?


Well-known member
My Pro store keeps a record of what I've purchased in-store, but not online purchases. Outside of creating my own lists, I wish there was a centralized database that keeps a record of both in-store and online purchases.