**Doll in a Sweetshop**


Well-known member
Hey guys,
Im celbrating again tonight hitting over 200 unique visitors on my website and what better way to celebrate than with false lashes again. I had so much fun doing this look and my other half loved it

Mac prep and prime face
Benefit erase paste (all over concealer)

Maybelline dream satin foundation
Mac mineralize skinfinish natural - light medium (to contour)
Beauty uk palette no.2 - pink eyeshadow as blush

Benefit creaseless eyeshadow cream - Tattle tale
Beauty uk palette no.2 - Pink eyeshadow
Mac eyeshadow - Satellite dreams
Mac mineralize quad - fashion patch (pink as highlight for cheekbones and brow bone)
False eyelashes
Mac plushlash mascara - plushblack
Loreal super liner - Carbon gloss

Beauty uk palette no.2 - pink eyeshadow (used wet as lipliner)
Mac lipstick - Girl about town
Mac lipglass - Flashmode

Thanks for looking x


Well-known member
Unfortunately the pix are very blurry *sneef* but you look absolutely cute with the pink colour. Btw, the liner rocks!