dreaming of mac


Well-known member
I swear whenever I'm too broke to shop, I dream about shopping..... I dreamed I was at the mac counter the other night..... I was worried about money but I couldn't stop spending because they actually had all the pigments... I started shopping, and just getting all this stuff, then <gasp> my HUSBAND walked in the store as the MA told me my total was like $350 and I had to walk out with him and not buy anything pretending like I wasnt' spending any money... This was a frustrating dream, LOL!!! Which probably has deep psychological implications. ha ha ha. Do any of y'all ever dream of mac ?

I need to go to mac rehab.
step 1: Admit you have a problem


Well-known member
I dreamt that I found a De Menthe e/s in the sales forum for $10!!! *wishful thinking*


Well-known member
Yea, after I read about all the mean and bitchy MAC MA's on here I had a dream that night that I went to my MAC counter and everyone was ignoring me then this really really really bitchy MA came over an turned her snotty nose up at me and asked what I wanted... she pissed me off so when she went to the counter I attacked her screaming at her saying she shouldn't be working at MAC so you're such a bitch... the she left and this really nice MA wrote out a list of stuff that I wanted to get in this silver pen... was really weird... I'm not evil tho, I swear! LOL


Well-known member
lol - when I first got into MAC I dreamt I walked into an empty Pro store where an MA greeted me as soon as I stepped in and then gave me a choice of like 3 free pigment vials. It was so hard to decide which 3 (because it was a pro store man it was crazy!)

Femme Noir

Well-known member
I dreamed that i went to a MAC counter and no one was there so i grabbed a bunch of stuff and ran... man when i woke up with out those idol eyes glitter liners... haha


Well-known member
mac appears randomly in my dreams...it's kinda weird haha


Well-known member
Ditto to the MAC appearing in your dreams thing. I get that too. When I'm drifting off to sleep I find I'm usually planning out my eyeshadow for the next morning, or thinking of eye colours that I want to pick up, so I guess it just translates into dreams of MAC, or something.


Well-known member
lol, this has so happened to me! the night before the lingerie collection came out i actually had a dream about me shopping and testing out all the goods that came in- it was kinda weird cos that's indeed what i did do when i woke up


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Femme Noir
I dreamed that i went to a MAC counter and no one was there so i grabbed a bunch of stuff and ran... man when i woke up with out those idol eyes glitter liners... haha

u thief

lmao i dreamt i went to fill this palette up and the palette could fit 90 e/s and it was stackable and i got all these new colors it was great hahaha i should send and email to mac about eh names of the colors they were weird..but the mac store was in the mallbut it had water around and u had to swim to get in f'd up but hahaha made sense at the time

tiger lily
cotton sheets

lmao it was a good dream