Dried Out Fluidline: How do I fix it?


Well-known member
I had 10 of the Fluidlines at one point and thought myself in love. I got rid of most, kept 3, then gave 2 of those away.
Anyway, the one I have left reminds me why I fell out of love with them. They aren't consistent at all and no matter which brush I use, I get pissed most of the time. I like a liner that glides like crazy and always used liquid or cake til these came along. I'm sure I may buy one here & there b/c a color may just grab me but in the meantime, I'm sticking with my MAC Chromacakes!
I always use it with a drop of water-based Mixing Medium! It gives it an almost liquid liner consistency but it's still a gel eyeliner!

And be sure to use a synthetic brush for it since natural-fibred brushes have the tendency to macerate with the Fluidlines!


Well-known member
See I thought I had just lost all ability to use fluidline....then i talked to my MA and she gave me some spatulas so try scraping the dried layer off. I haven't done it yet, but i'll report back.

the one in question is blitz n glitz, and i have 3 other f/ls i havent tried, and i was narrowing it down to either a) my ability to put on eyeliner b) brush failure or c) product failure...

glad i am not the only one!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by FlaLadyB
hey my sweet friend (and she is a sweetie).. you should know you don't keep ANYthing to do with your eyes for that long. Buy a new one. ...

Would that I could, but I cannot since I only use blacktrack(the one that is drying up on me) as much as any other fluidliner in my collection and it would be cost prohibitive for me to replace it every 6 months

-if i had pinkeye or something that would be different but I use a clean brush with it and I do NOT feel that it is the same as mascara. it is much more open and I feel "ok" with that.
I am going to hit it with fix + tonight. Thanks caffin8me! You always have great information
, love!


Well-known member
im going to try the fix+ idea. my shade fluidline has completely dried out, it was my 2nd ever fluidline. ive bought a 2nd in the mean time but dont want to lose hope yet!


Well-known member
The same thing happened with my Blacktrack Fluidline. I wrote to MAC about it & they sent me a brand new one ; )


Well-known member
anyway to refresh a dry fluidline?

My Macroviolet seems a bit dry and hard to work with, is there anything that I can do to it to refresh it?


Well-known member
Re: dried fluidline?

Originally Posted by MAC_Pixie04
i spritzed mine with fix+ and screwed the cap on really tight, the next morning it was nice and supple again.

Boo, it didn't work on my Shade f/l. The Fix+ just kinda... sat there, until it evaporated. It's not that hard to work with, just a bit more difficult to pick up product. I'll try lara's suggestion, tho, hopefully that'll do the trick.


Well-known member
Re: dried fluidline?

Originally Posted by user3
I heard of someone using a small amount and lip balm and mixing that in to make it creamy again.
I think she mixed it around w/ a toothpick.

My peep one was a bit dry the other day and used a little bit of eye cream. I put the eyecream on the brush and ran it over the peep.

Once you do anything to it to bring it back creamy I don't suggest applying it in the waterline area.

Please don't mix anything with a thooth pick. just add a few drops of mixing base or fix it and close it thighly for a bout two days, if it''s still dry- repeat...DON'T MIX WITH TOOTHPICKKKK!!! Please be safe


Well-known member
Re: dried fluidline?

I added a few drops of mixing medium to my blacktrack, mixed it with a pin, and then kinda smoothed it down again. Worked well.


Well-known member
Re: dried fluidline?

Originally Posted by user3
I heard of someone using a small amount and lip balm and mixing that in to make it creamy again.
I think she mixed it around w/ a toothpick.

My peep one was a bit dry the other day and used a little bit of eye cream. I put the eyecream on the brush and ran it over the peep.

Once you do anything to it to bring it back creamy I don't suggest applying it in the waterline area.

i think if you add emollients to the FL it's staying power is greatly reduced. NO? Yes?


Well-known member
Re: dried fluidline?

I've had fluidliners as well as cream shadow products from Stila dry on me even though I make sure the pot is tightly closed. It sucks.


Well-known member
Re: dried fluidline?

My blacktrack fluidline is very dry compared to my other colors. I clean my brush with brush cleaner and then dip it into the fluidline. This seems to work well.


Well-known member
Re: dried fluidline?

My Blacktrack is drying up too..so annoying.I've only had it a couple months..you'd think it would last a little longer.Gonna try the bain mairie idea..hope it works.:confused:


Well-known member
Re: dried fluidline?

i use dried fluidlines to fill my brows. it works better than any brow product i've tried!


Well-known member
Re: dried fluidline?

My sister left my rich ground wide open all night long- and it was so hard i couldn't get my brush in it in the morning. So, i did something completely waste full. I took a q-tip and swiped it across the top a few times. All the dry crustyness was gone, and it was smooth again.

If nothing else works- you could always try that.


Well-known member
Re: dried fluidline?

A couple of my fluidlines are drying out too. I forget who exactly, but someone suggested that I add a couple drops of the water based mixing medium into 'em. I haven't tried it yet, but I think I might since buying the mixing medium can be used for more than reviving my fluidlines. Here's hoping...