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Emerald Eyes for a contest


Well-known member
YouTube - Re: itsjudytime's 1st contest!
I did a tutorial using only drugstore makeup brands. The brushes are also drugstore brands. It's for a contest on youtube. Check it out and Tell me whether you think I have a chance at winning or not

Thanks ahead of time! Comment away



Well-known member
You have beautiful skin!

I do agree with the previous poster...it is a little difficult to figure out what products you're using...but I see that you listed them on YouTube so it's all good.

Nicely done!


Well-known member
Very pretty look. Where did you get that white hair angled brush with black and purple handle its sooo cute!!


Well-known member
I agree about the text. I couldn't read it either. Other than that, you did an amazing job!


Well-known member
Thanks Everyone!! And yeahhh about the text..it looked fine but then after it finished processing it just got ugly. Next time I do that I'll write it a lot bigger and a different color too.