excercize videos


Well-known member
Does anyone know where I can get cheap excercize videos? Like home yoga and kick boxing?
haha It sounds so cheesy but I need to start toning up while I'm in class(I go to school on the computer).


Well-known member
You might be able to find some good stuff if you have a Ross or TJ Maxx type store near you. I found some cool belly dancing ones at mine. Also, Target has sales on their pilates tapes and I like theirs.


Well-known member
i just ordered the belly dancing one from columbia house for 9 dollars, but you have to be a member so that probably wouldn't help. Like Kaliraksha said I would try Ross, they always have stuff for cheapness!


Well-known member
ditto on Wal-Mart...my local store has a bunch of Crunch dvds and various others for 9.96+tax.

Since I'm always afraid to buy exercise dvds because I'm afraid I won't like it, I've been allocating one of my Netflix dvds to try out different exercise vids. I don't get bored and can always talk myself into working out because it's something new.


I like the MTV Yoga/Pilates series. On Amazon, they sell the set of 4 together for $36. Don't know if this is cheap enough, but I definitely recommend them. :thumbsup: