Executive Level Interviews... Has anyone been to a "career assessment center"? especially with Benefit??


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Executive Level Interviews... Has anyone been to a "career assessment center"? especially with Benefit??

I'm interviewing in a few weeks for an executive level management position with Benefit and I can't find ANYTHING online about the process... I have had the phone interview and have been invited to come to their "Career Assesment Center" at the end of the month and I've been told it's a day long process in which I'm to prepare 2 - 5 minute presentations, panel interviews, etc...

Has anyone else been through this? I'm talking district, regional manager... your retail account managers... training managers... etc type jobs.

and can anyone provide help with salary? They asked me what I wanted as far as annual salary and I really have no idea what the job might pay. Any help would be appreciated so much! Thanks guys!!!